Class ConnectedTwoRowSpeckleFiller_U8

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ConnectedTwoRowSpeckleFiller_U8 extends ConnectedTwoRowSpeckleFiller<GrayU8>
Implementation of ConnectedTwoRowSpeckleFiller for GrayU8.
  • Constructor Details

    • ConnectedTwoRowSpeckleFiller_U8

      public ConnectedTwoRowSpeckleFiller_U8()
  • Method Details

    • initTypeSpecific

      protected void initTypeSpecific(double similarTol, double fillValue)
      Specified by:
      initTypeSpecific in class ConnectedTwoRowSpeckleFiller<GrayU8>
    • labelRow

      protected int labelRow(int idx0, int[] labels, int[] labelCount, int[] locationX)
      Description copied from class: ConnectedTwoRowSpeckleFiller
      Applies connectivity rule along a single row in 1D
      Specified by:
      labelRow in class ConnectedTwoRowSpeckleFiller<GrayU8>
      labels - Array that stores labels
      labelCount - Array that stores label counts
      number of clusters
    • findConnectionsBetweenRows

      protected void findConnectionsBetweenRows(int startRowA, int startRowB)
      Compres pxiel values between the two rows to find the mapping between the regions. This is also where "finished" regions in A are identified.
      Specified by:
      findConnectionsBetweenRows in class ConnectedTwoRowSpeckleFiller<GrayU8>
      startRowA - Index of row in image array
      startRowB - Index of row in image array
    • fillCluster

      protected void fillCluster(int seedX, int seedY, int clusterSize)
      Fill cluster by performing a search of connected pixels. This step can be slow and a memory hog if the regions are large. It's also effectively the naive algorithm
      Specified by:
      fillCluster in class ConnectedTwoRowSpeckleFiller<GrayU8>
    • getImageType

      public ImageType<GrayU8> getImageType()