Interface ConnectedSpeckleFiller<T extends ImageBase<T>>

All Known Implementing Classes:
ConnectedNaiveSpeckleFiller_F32, ConnectedNaiveSpeckleFiller_Int, ConnectedTwoRowSpeckleFiller, ConnectedTwoRowSpeckleFiller_F32, ConnectedTwoRowSpeckleFiller_U8

public interface ConnectedSpeckleFiller<T extends ImageBase<T>>
Connected component based speckle filler
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the number of filled in regions
    process(T image, int maximumArea, double similarTol, double fillValue)
    Finds non-smooth regions and fills them in with the fill value.
  • Method Details

    • process

      void process(T image, int maximumArea, double similarTol, double fillValue)
      Finds non-smooth regions and fills them in with the fill value. Uses 4-connect rule.
      image - (Input, Output) Image which is searched for speckle noise which is then filled in
      maximumArea - (Input) All regions with this number of pixels or fewer will be filled in.
      similarTol - (Input) Two pixels are connected if their different in value is ≤ than this.
      fillValue - (Input) The value that small regions are filled in with.
    • getTotalFilled

      int getTotalFilled()
      Returns the number of filled in regions
    • getImageType

      ImageType<T> getImageType()