Class WatershedVincentSoille1991.Connect4

Enclosing class:

public static class WatershedVincentSoille1991.Connect4 extends WatershedVincentSoille1991
Implementation which uses a 4-connect rule
  • Constructor Details

    • Connect4

      public Connect4()
  • Method Details

    • assignNewToNeighbors

      protected void assignNewToNeighbors(int index)
      Description copied from class: WatershedVincentSoille1991
      See if a neighbor has a label ( > 0 ) or has been assigned WSHED ( == 0 ). If so set distance of pixel index to 1 and add it to fifo.
      Specified by:
      assignNewToNeighbors in class WatershedVincentSoille1991
      index - Pixel whose neighbors are being examined
    • checkNeighborsAssign

      protected void checkNeighborsAssign(int index)
      Description copied from class: WatershedVincentSoille1991
      Check the neighbors to see if it should become a member or a watershed
      Specified by:
      checkNeighborsAssign in class WatershedVincentSoille1991
      index - Index of the target pixel
    • checkNeighborsMasks

      protected void checkNeighborsMasks(int index)
      Description copied from class: WatershedVincentSoille1991
      Checks neighbors of pixel 'index' to see if their region is MASK, if so they are assigned the currentLabel and added to fifo.
      Specified by:
      checkNeighborsMasks in class WatershedVincentSoille1991
      index - Pixel whose neighbors are being examined.