Uses of Interface
Packages that use TemplateIntensityImage.EvaluatorMethod
Uses of TemplateIntensityImage.EvaluatorMethod in boofcv.alg.template
Classes in boofcv.alg.template that implement TemplateIntensityImage.EvaluatorMethodModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
TemplateNCC<T extends ImageBase<T>>
Template matching which uses normalized cross correlation (NCC).static class
static class
TemplateSqDiffNormed<T extends ImageBase<T>>
Template matching which uses squared difference normedstatic class
static class
TemplateSumAbsoluteDifference<T extends ImageBase<T>>
Scores the difference between the template and the image using sum of absolute difference (SAD) error.static class
static class
TemplateSumSquaredError<T extends ImageBase<T>>
Scores the difference between the template and the image using sum of squared error (SSE).static class
static class
Fields in boofcv.alg.template declared as TemplateIntensityImage.EvaluatorMethodModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected TemplateIntensityImage.EvaluatorMethod<T>
Constructors in boofcv.alg.template with parameters of type TemplateIntensityImage.EvaluatorMethodModifierConstructorDescription