Class FactoryDistort


public class FactoryDistort extends Object
Factory for operations which distort the image.
  • Constructor Details

    • FactoryDistort

      public FactoryDistort()
  • Method Details

    • distort

      public static <Input extends ImageBase<Input>, Output extends ImageBase<Output>> ImageDistort<Input,Output> distort(boolean cached, InterpolationType interpolationType, BorderType borderType, ImageType<Input> inputType, ImageType<Output> outputType)
      Creates a ImageDistort for the specified image type, transformation and interpolation instance. Min and max pixel values are assumed to be 0 and 255, respectively.
      cached - If true the distortion is only computed one. False for recomputed each time, but less memory.
      interpolationType - Which interpolation method it should use
      borderType - How pixels outside the image border are handled
      inputType - Type of input image
      outputType - Type of output image
    • distort

      public static <Input extends ImageBase<Input>, Output extends ImageBase<Output>> ImageDistort<Input,Output> distort(boolean cached, InterpolatePixel<Input> interp, ImageType<Output> outputType)
      Creates a ImageDistort for the specified image type, transformation and interpolation instance.
      cached - If true the distortion is only computed one. False for recomputed each time, but less memory.
      interp - Which interpolation algorithm should be used.
      outputType - Type of output image.
    • distortSB

      public static <Input extends ImageGray<Input>, Output extends ImageGray<Output>> ImageDistort<Input,Output> distortSB(boolean cached, InterpolatePixelS<Input> interp, Class<Output> outputType)
      Creates a ImageDistort for the specified image type, transformation and interpolation instance.
      cached - If true the distortion is only computed one. False for recomputed each time, but less memory.
      interp - Which interpolation algorithm should be used.
      outputType - Type of output image.
    • distortPL

      public static <Input extends ImageGray<Input>, Output extends ImageGray<Output>> ImageDistort<Planar<Input>,Planar<Output>> distortPL(boolean cached, InterpolatePixelS<Input> interp, Class<Output> outputType)
      Creates a ImageDistort for the planar images, transformation and interpolation instance.
      cached - If true the distortion is only computed one. False for recomputed each time, but less memory.
      interp - Which interpolation algorithm should be used.
      outputType - Type of output image.
    • distortIL

      public static <Input extends ImageInterleaved<Input>, Output extends ImageInterleaved<Output>> ImageDistort<Input,Output> distortIL(boolean cached, InterpolatePixelMB<Input> interp, ImageType<Output> outputType)
    • deformMls

      public static PointDeformKeyPoints deformMls(ConfigDeformPointMLS config)