Class FactoryIntensityPointAlg


public class FactoryIntensityPointAlg extends Object
Factory for creating various types of interest point intensity algorithms.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • FactoryIntensityPointAlg

      public FactoryIntensityPointAlg()
  • Method Details

    • fast

      public static <T extends ImageGray<T>> FastCornerDetector<T> fast(int pixelTol, int minCont, Class<T> imageType)
      Common interface for creating a FastCornerDetector from different image types.
      pixelTol - How different pixels need to be to be considered part of a corner. Image dependent. Try 20 to start.
      minCont - Minimum number of continue pixels in a circle for it ot be a corner. Can be 9,10,11 or 12.
      imageType - Type of input image it is computed form.
      Fast corner
    • harris

      public static <D extends ImageGray<D>> GradientCornerIntensity<D> harris(int windowRadius, float kappa, boolean weighted, Class<D> derivType)
      Common interface for creating a HarrisCornerIntensity from different image types.
      windowRadius - Size of the feature it is detects,Try 2.
      kappa - Tuning parameter, typically a small number around 0.04
      weighted - Is the gradient weighted using a Gaussian distribution? Weighted is much slower than unweighted.
      derivType - Image derivative type it is computed from. @return Harris corner
    • shiTomasi

      public static <D extends ImageGray<D>> GradientCornerIntensity<D> shiTomasi(int windowRadius, boolean weighted, Class<D> derivType)
      Common interface for creating a ShiTomasiCornerIntensity from different image types.
      windowRadius - Size of the feature it detects, Try 2.
      weighted - Should the it be weighted by a Gaussian kernel? Unweighted is much faster.
      derivType - Image derivative type it is computed from.
      KLT corner