Class FactoryWaveletDaub


public class FactoryWaveletDaub extends Object

Creates different variety of Daubechie (Daub) wavelets. For Daub-J and Daub J/K wavelets the index number refers to the number of coefficients. These wavelets are often used in image compression.

James S. Walker, "A Primer on WAVELETS and Their Scientific Applications," 2nd Ed. 2008

  • Constructor Details

    • FactoryWaveletDaub

      public FactoryWaveletDaub()
  • Method Details

    • daubJ_F32

      public static WaveletDescription<WlCoef_F32> daubJ_F32(int J)

      DaubJ wavelets have the following properties:

      • Conserve the signal's energy
      • If the signal is approximately polynomial of degree J/2-1 or less within the support then fluctuations are approximately zero.
      • The sum of the scaling numbers is sqrt(2)
      • The sum of the wavelet numbers is 0

      J - The wavelet's degree.
      Description of the DaubJ wavelet.
    • biorthogonal_F32

      public static WaveletDescription<WlCoef_F32> biorthogonal_F32(int J, BorderType borderType)

      Daub J/K biorthogonal wavelets have the following properties:

      • DO NOT conserve the signal's energy
      • If the signal is approximately polynomial of degree (J-1)/2-1 within the support then fluctuations are approximately zero.
      • The sum of the scaling numbers is 1
      • The sum of the wavelet numbers is 0

      J - The wavelet's degree. K = J-2.
      borderType - How image borders are handled.
      Description of the Daub J/K wavelet.
    • biorthogonal_I32

      public static WaveletDescription<WlCoef_I32> biorthogonal_I32(int J, BorderType borderType)
      J - The wavelet's degree. K = J-2.
      borderType - How image borders are handled.
      Description of the Daub J/K wavelet.
    • convertToInt

      public static WlBorderCoefFixed<WlCoef_I32> convertToInt(WlBorderCoefFixed<WlCoef_F32> orig, WlCoef_I32 inner)