Interface SimpleImageSequence<T extends ImageBase<T>>

All Known Implementing Classes:
BufferedFileImageSequence, FfmpegVideoImageSequence, ImageStreamSequence, JCodecSimplified, JpegByteImageSequence, LoadFileImageSequence, LoadFileImageSequence2, MjpegStreamSequence, WebcamCaptureWebcamInterface.SimpleSequence, WebcamOpenCV.SimpleSequence

public interface SimpleImageSequence<T extends ImageBase<T>>
Simplified interface for reading in a sequence of images. This interface hides the complexities of reading from different file formats and from live video streams.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Call when done reading the image sequence.
    Returns the number of the current frame in the sequence.
    Returns the image in the original format that it was read in as.
    Returns the height of the current image
    Returns the currently loaded image in the sequence
    Returns the type of class used to store the output image
    Returns the width of the current image
    If a new image is available.
    Steps to the next image in the sequence and loads it.
    Start reading the sequence from the start
    setLoop(boolean loop)
    Sets if the video should loop or not
  • Method Details

    • getWidth

      int getWidth()
      Returns the width of the current image
    • getHeight

      int getHeight()
      Returns the height of the current image
    • hasNext

      boolean hasNext()
      If a new image is available.
      true if a new image is available.
    • next

      T next()
      Steps to the next image in the sequence and loads it.
      The next image in the sequence, which is now the current image.
    • getImage

      T getImage()
      Returns the currently loaded image in the sequence
    • getGuiImage

      <InternalImage> InternalImage getGuiImage()
      Returns the image in the original format that it was read in as. When dealing with swing or any standard Java SE environment this will almost always be BufferedImage. The type has been abstracted out to provide better Android support.
    • close

      void close()
      Call when done reading the image sequence.
    • getFrameNumber

      int getFrameNumber()
      Returns the number of the current frame in the sequence.
      Frame ID number.
    • setLoop

      void setLoop(boolean loop)
      Sets if the video should loop or not
      loop - true for looping forever, false for once
    • getImageType

      ImageType<T> getImageType()
      Returns the type of class used to store the output image
    • reset

      void reset()
      Start reading the sequence from the start