Class TupleDesc_F32

All Implemented Interfaces:
TupleDesc<TupleDesc_F32>, Serializable

@Generated("boofcv.struct.feature.TupleDesc_F64") public class TupleDesc_F32 extends Object implements TupleDesc<TupleDesc_F32>
Basic description of an image feature's attributes using an array.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • data

      public float[] data
  • Constructor Details

    • TupleDesc_F32

      public TupleDesc_F32(int numFeatures)
    • TupleDesc_F32

      public TupleDesc_F32(float... values)
    • TupleDesc_F32

      protected TupleDesc_F32()
  • Method Details

    • get

      public float get(int index)
    • setTo

      public void setTo(float... value)
    • fill

      public void fill(float value)
    • setTo

      public void setTo(TupleDesc_F32 source)
      Description copied from interface: TupleDesc
      Sets this tuple to be the same as the provided tuple
      Specified by:
      setTo in interface TupleDesc<TupleDesc_F32>
      source - The tuple which this one is to become a copy of.
    • getDouble

      public double getDouble(int index)
      Description copied from interface: TupleDesc
      Returns the value of a tuple's element as a double. In general this function should not be used because of how inefficient it is.
      Specified by:
      getDouble in interface TupleDesc<TupleDesc_F32>
      index - Which element
      Element's value as a double
    • isEquals

      public boolean isEquals(TupleDesc_F32 tuple)
      Description copied from interface: TupleDesc
      Returns true if the type data structure are identical
      Specified by:
      isEquals in interface TupleDesc<TupleDesc_F32>
    • size

      public int size()
      Description copied from interface: TupleDesc
      Number of elements in the tuple.
      Specified by:
      size in interface TupleDesc<TupleDesc_F32>
      Number of elements in the tuple
    • newInstance

      public TupleDesc_F32 newInstance()
      Specified by:
      newInstance in interface TupleDesc<TupleDesc_F32>