Package boofcv.struct.image
package boofcv.struct.image
ClassDescriptionStores the values of a 3-band color using floating point numbers.Stores the values of a 3-band color using integers.Used to create new images from its type aloneBase class for images with float pixels.Image with a pixel type of 32-bit float.Image with a pixel type of 64-bit float.Base class for all integer images.Base class for images with 16-bit pixels.Base class for images with 8-bit pixels.Image with a pixel type of signed 16-bit integer.Gray scale image with a pixel type of signed 32-bit integerImage with a pixel type of signed 64-bit integerImage with a pixel type of signed 8-bit integer.Image with a pixel type of unsigned 16-bit integer.Image with a pixel type of unsigned 8-bit integer.This exception is thrown when an attempt has been made to access part of an image which is out of bounds.Base class for all image types.Lambda for each (x,y) coordinate in the imageDescribes the physical characteristics of the internal primitive data types inside the imageSpecifies the width and height of an imageA base class for a single band intensity image.ImageInterleaved<T extends ImageInterleaved<T>>Base class for images that contain multiple interleaved bands.ImageMultiBand<T extends ImageMultiBand<T>>Base class for images with multiple bands.Specifies the type of image data structure.
for data of type float.ImageInterleaved
for data of type double.InterleavedI16<T extends InterleavedI16<T>>ImageInterleaved
for data of type short.InterleavedI8<T extends InterleavedI8<T>>ImageInterleaved
for data of type byte.InterleavedInteger<T extends InterleavedInteger<T>>Base class for integer interleaved images.An image where the primitive type is an unsigned short.ImageInterleaved
for data of type int.ImageInterleaved
for data of type int.An image where the primitive type is a signed byte.An image where the primitive type is an unsigned short.An image where the primitive type is an unsigned byte.Multi-band image composed of discontinuous planar images for each band.