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Demonstration of how to capture and process a video stream in real-time using BoofCV on an Android device.  On Android devices, video streams are accessed inside a camera preview, which require several hoops to be jumped through.  What this example does is capture the image in NV21 format, convert it into an ImageUInt8, compute the image gradient, visualize the gradient in a Bitmap image, and display the results.  Note that the example below is not entirely self contained, see the complete project for additional files.

Example File: [https://github.com/lessthanoptimal/BoofCV/blob/v0.16/integration/android/examples/video/src/org/boofcv/example/android/VideoActivity.java VideoActivity.java]
<center><SPAN STYLE="font-size: 20pt">New projects should use [[Example_Android_Fragment_Gradient | Fragments]]</SPAN></center>

Complete Project: [https://github.com/lessthanoptimal/BoofCV/blob/v0.16/integration/android/examples/video Android Project]
Demonstration of how to capture and process a video stream in real-time using BoofCV on an Android device.  On Android devices, video streams are accessed inside a camera preview, which require several hoops to be jumped through.  What this example does is capture the image in NV21 format, convert it into an GrayU8, compute the image gradient, visualize the gradient in a Bitmap image, and display the results.  Note that the example below is not entirely self contained, see the complete project for additional files.
Example File: [https://github.com/lessthanoptimal/BoofCV/blob/v0.31/integration/boofcv-android/examples/video/app/src/main/java/org/boofcv/video/GradientActivity.java GradientActivity.java]
Complete Project: [https://github.com/lessthanoptimal/BoofCV/blob/v0.31/integration/boofcv-android/examples/video/ Android Project]

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  * Demonstration of how to process a video stream on an Android device using BoofCV.  Most of the code below
  * Demonstrates how to use the visualize activity. A video stream is opened and the image gradient
  * is deals with handling Android and all of its quirks. Video streams can be accessed in Android by processing
  * is found. The gradient is then rendered into a format which can be visualized and displayed
  * a camera previewData from a camera preview comes in an NV21 image format, which needs to be converted.
* on the Android device's screen.
  * After it has been converted it needs to be processed and then displayedNote that several locks are required
  * to avoid the three threads (GUI, camera preview, and processing) from interfering with each other.
  * This greatly simplifies the process of capturing and visualizing image data from a camera.
  * Internally it uses the camera 2 API. You can customize its behavior by overriding
  * different internal functions. For more details, see the JavaDoc of it's parent classes.
  * @see VisualizeCamera2Activity
  * @see boofcv.android.camera2.SimpleCamera2Activity
  * @author Peter Abeles
  * @author Peter Abeles
public class VideoActivity extends Activity implements Camera.PreviewCallback {
public class GradientActivity extends VisualizeCamera2Activity
// Storage for the gradient
private GrayS16 derivX = new GrayS16(1,1);
private GrayS16 derivY = new GrayS16(1,1);

// camera and display objects
// Storage for image gradient. In general you will want to precompute data structures due
private Camera mCamera;
// to the expense of garbage collection
private Visualization mDraw;
private ImageGradient<GrayU8,GrayS16> gradient = FactoryDerivative.three(GrayU8.class, GrayS16.class);
private CameraPreview mPreview;

// computes the image gradient
// Used to display text info on the display
private ImageGradient<ImageUInt8,ImageSInt16> gradient = FactoryDerivative.three(ImageUInt8.class, ImageSInt16.class);
private Paint paintText = new Paint();

// Two images are needed to store the converted preview image to prevent a thread conflict from occurring
public GradientActivity() {
private ImageUInt8 gray1,gray2;
// The default behavior for selecting the camera's resolution is to
private ImageSInt16 derivX,derivY;
// find the resolution which comes the closest to having this many
// pixels.
// Android image data used for displaying the results
targetResolution = 640*480;
private Bitmap output;
// temporary storage that's needed when converting from BoofCV to Android image data types
private byte[] storage;
// Thread where image data is processed
private ThreadProcess thread;
// Object used for synchronizing gray images
private final Object lockGray = new Object();
// Object used for synchronizing output image
private final Object lockOutput = new Object();

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

FrameLayout surface = findViewById(R.id.camera_frame);
// Used to visualize the results
mDraw = new Visualization(this);
// Create our Preview view and set it as the content of our activity.
mPreview = new CameraPreview(this,this,true);
FrameLayout preview = (FrameLayout) findViewById(R.id.camera_preview);
protected void onResume() {

// By calling this function you are telling the camera library that you wish to process
protected void onPause() {
// images in a gray scale format. The video stream is typically in YUV420. Color
// image formats are supported as RGB, YUV, ... etc, color spaces.

// stop the camera preview and all processing
// Configure paint used to display FPS
if (mCamera != null){
paintText.setTypeface(Typeface.create(Typeface.MONOSPACE, Typeface.BOLD));
mCamera = null;

// The camera stream will now start after this function is called.
thread = null;

* Sets up the camera if it is not already setup.
* This is where you specify custom camera settings. See {@link boofcv.android.camera2.SimpleCamera2Activity}'s
* JavaDoc for more funcitons which you can override.
* @param captureRequestBuilder Used to configure the camera.
private void setUpAndConfigureCamera() {
// Open and configure the camera
protected void configureCamera(CameraDevice device, CameraCharacteristics characteristics, CaptureRequest.Builder captureRequestBuilder) {
mCamera = Camera.open();
captureRequestBuilder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE, CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO);
captureRequestBuilder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_MODE, CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_MODE_ON);
Camera.Parameters param = mCamera.getParameters();
// Select the preview size closest to 320x240
// Smaller images are recommended because some computer vision operations are very expensive
List<Camera.Size> sizes = param.getSupportedPreviewSizes();
Camera.Size s = sizes.get(closest(sizes,320,240));
// declare image data
gray1 = new ImageUInt8(s.width,s.height);
gray2 = new ImageUInt8(s.width,s.height);
derivX = new ImageSInt16(s.width,s.height);
derivY = new ImageSInt16(s.width,s.height);
output = Bitmap.createBitmap(s.width,s.height,Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 );
storage = ConvertBitmap.declareStorage(output, storage);
// start image processing thread
thread = new ThreadProcess();
// Start the video feed by passing it to mPreview

* Goes through the size list and selects the one which is the closest specified size
* During camera initialization this function is called once after the resolution is known.
* This is a good function to override and predeclare data structres which are dependent
* on the video feeds resolution.
public static int closest( List<Camera.Size> sizes , int width , int height ) {
int best = -1;
protected void onCameraResolutionChange( int width , int height, int sensorOrientation ) {
int bestScore = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
super.onCameraResolutionChange(width, height,sensorOrientation);
for( int i = 0; i < sizes.size(); i++ ) {
Camera.Size s = sizes.get(i);
int dx = s.width-width;
int dy = s.height-height;
int score = dx*dx + dy*dy;
if( score < bestScore ) {
best = i;
bestScore = score;

return best;
derivX.reshape(width, height);
derivY.reshape(width, height);

* Called each time a new image arrives in the data stream.
* This function is invoked in its own thread and can take as long as you want.
public void onPreviewFrame(byte[] bytes, Camera camera) {
protected void processImage(ImageBase image) {
// The data type of 'image' was specified in onCreate() function
// convert from NV21 format into gray scale
// The line below will compute the gradient and store it in two images. One for the
synchronized (lockGray) {
// gradient along the x-axis and the other along the y-axis
// Can only do trivial amounts of image processing inside this function or else bad stuff happens.
// To work around this issue most of the processing has been pushed onto a thread and the call below
// tells the thread to wake up and process another image

* Draws on top of the video stream for visualizing computer vision results
* Override the default behavior and colorize gradient instead of converting input image.
private class Visualization extends SurfaceView {
protected void renderBitmapImage(BitmapMode mode, ImageBase image) {
switch( mode ) {
case UNSAFE: { // this application is configured to use double buffer and could ignore all other modes
VisualizeImageData.colorizeGradient(derivX, derivY, -1, bitmap, bitmapTmp);
} break;

Activity activity;
VisualizeImageData.colorizeGradient(derivX, derivY, -1, bitmapWork, bitmapTmp);

public Visualization(Activity context ) {
if( bitmapLock.tryLock() ) {
try {
this.activity = context;
Bitmap tmp = bitmapWork;
bitmapWork = bitmap;
// This call is necessary, or else the
bitmap = tmp;
// draw method will not be called.
} finally {
} break;
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas){
synchronized ( lockOutput ) {
int w = canvas.getWidth();
int h = canvas.getHeight();
// fill the window and center it
double scaleX = w/(double)output.getWidth();
double scaleY = h/(double)output.getHeight();
double scale = Math.min(scaleX,scaleY);
double tranX = (w-scale*output.getWidth())/2;
double tranY = (h-scale*output.getHeight())/2;
// draw the image

* External thread used to do more time consuming image processing
* Demonstrates how to draw visuals
private class ThreadProcess extends Thread {
protected void onDrawFrame(SurfaceView view, Canvas canvas) {
// true if a request has been made to stop the thread
super.onDrawFrame(view, canvas);
volatile boolean stopRequested = false;
// true if the thread is running and can process more data
volatile boolean running = true;
* Blocks until the thread has stopped
public void stopThread() {
stopRequested = true;
while( running ) {
public void run() {
while( !stopRequested ) {
// Sleep until it has been told to wake up
synchronized ( Thread.currentThread() ) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {}

// process the most recently converted image by swapping image buffered
// Display info on the image being process and how fast input camera
synchronized (lockGray) {
// stream (probably in YUV420) is converted into a BoofCV format
ImageUInt8 tmp = gray1;
int width = bitmap.getWidth();
gray1 = gray2;
int height = bitmap.getHeight();
gray2 = tmp;
"%d x %d Convert: %4.1f (ms)",

// process the image and compute its gradient
// Pro tip: Run in app fast or release mode for a dramatic speed up!
// In Android Studio expand "Build Variants" tab on left.
// render the output in a synthetic color image
synchronized ( lockOutput ) {
running = false;

Latest revision as of 14:23, 15 July 2023

New projects should use Fragments

Demonstration of how to capture and process a video stream in real-time using BoofCV on an Android device. On Android devices, video streams are accessed inside a camera preview, which require several hoops to be jumped through. What this example does is capture the image in NV21 format, convert it into an GrayU8, compute the image gradient, visualize the gradient in a Bitmap image, and display the results. Note that the example below is not entirely self contained, see the complete project for additional files.

Example File: GradientActivity.java

Complete Project: Android Project


  • Android
  • Camera Preview
  • Image Gradient

Related Tutorial:

Related Examples:

Example Code

 * Demonstrates how to use the visualize activity. A video stream is opened and the image gradient
 * is found. The gradient is then rendered into a format which can be visualized and displayed
 * on the Android device's screen.
 * This greatly simplifies the process of capturing and visualizing image data from a camera.
 * Internally it uses the camera 2 API. You can customize its behavior by overriding
 * different internal functions. For more details, see the JavaDoc of it's parent classes.
 * @see VisualizeCamera2Activity
 * @see boofcv.android.camera2.SimpleCamera2Activity
 * @author Peter Abeles
public class GradientActivity extends VisualizeCamera2Activity
	// Storage for the gradient
	private GrayS16 derivX = new GrayS16(1,1);
	private GrayS16 derivY = new GrayS16(1,1);

	// Storage for image gradient. In general you will want to precompute data structures due
	// to the expense of garbage collection
	private ImageGradient<GrayU8,GrayS16> gradient = FactoryDerivative.three(GrayU8.class, GrayS16.class);

	// Used to display text info on the display
	private Paint paintText = new Paint();

	public GradientActivity() {
		// The default behavior for selecting the camera's resolution is to
		// find the resolution which comes the closest to having this many
		// pixels.
		targetResolution = 640*480;

	protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

		FrameLayout surface = findViewById(R.id.camera_frame);

		// By calling this function you are telling the camera library that you wish to process
		// images in a gray scale format. The video stream is typically in YUV420. Color
		// image formats are supported as RGB, YUV, ... etc, color spaces.

		// Configure paint used to display FPS
		paintText.setTypeface(Typeface.create(Typeface.MONOSPACE, Typeface.BOLD));

		// The camera stream will now start after this function is called.

	 * This is where you specify custom camera settings. See {@link boofcv.android.camera2.SimpleCamera2Activity}'s
	 * JavaDoc for more funcitons which you can override.
	 * @param captureRequestBuilder Used to configure the camera.
	protected void configureCamera(CameraDevice device, CameraCharacteristics characteristics, CaptureRequest.Builder captureRequestBuilder) {
		captureRequestBuilder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE, CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO);
		captureRequestBuilder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_MODE, CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_MODE_ON);

	 * During camera initialization this function is called once after the resolution is known.
	 * This is a good function to override and predeclare data structres which are dependent
	 * on the video feeds resolution.
	protected void onCameraResolutionChange( int width , int height, int sensorOrientation ) {
		super.onCameraResolutionChange(width, height,sensorOrientation);

		derivX.reshape(width, height);
		derivY.reshape(width, height);

	 * This function is invoked in its own thread and can take as long as you want.
	protected void processImage(ImageBase image) {
		// The data type of 'image' was specified in onCreate() function
		// The line below will compute the gradient and store it in two images. One for the
		// gradient along the x-axis and the other along the y-axis

	 * Override the default behavior and colorize gradient instead of converting input image.
	protected void renderBitmapImage(BitmapMode mode, ImageBase image) {
		switch( mode ) {
			case UNSAFE: { // this application is configured to use double buffer and could ignore all other modes
				VisualizeImageData.colorizeGradient(derivX, derivY, -1, bitmap, bitmapTmp);
			} break;

			case DOUBLE_BUFFER: {
				VisualizeImageData.colorizeGradient(derivX, derivY, -1, bitmapWork, bitmapTmp);

				if( bitmapLock.tryLock() ) {
					try {
						Bitmap tmp = bitmapWork;
						bitmapWork = bitmap;
						bitmap = tmp;
					} finally {
			} break;

	 * Demonstrates how to draw visuals
	protected void onDrawFrame(SurfaceView view, Canvas canvas) {
		super.onDrawFrame(view, canvas);

		// Display info on the image being process and how fast input camera
		// stream (probably in YUV420) is converted into a BoofCV format
		int width = bitmap.getWidth();
		int height = bitmap.getHeight();
				"%d x %d Convert: %4.1f (ms)",

		// Pro tip: Run in app fast or release mode for a dramatic speed up!
		// In Android Studio expand "Build Variants" tab on left.