Example SURF Feature

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Speeded Up Robust Feature (SURF) is a region descriptor and interest point detector. Two different ways of using SURF are demonstrated in this example. The easy way uses a high level interface that is easy to work with, but sacrifices flexibility. The harder way directly creates the SURF classes, is more complex, and requires a better understanding of how the code works.

Example File: ExampleFeatureSurf.java


  • SURF
  • Region Descriptor
  • Interest Point

Example Code

 * Example of how to use SURF detector and descriptors in BoofCV. 
 * @author Peter Abeles
public class ExampleFeatureSurf {
	 * Use generalized interfaces for working with SURF. This removes much of the drudgery, but also reduces flexibility
	 * and slightly increases memory and computational requirements.
	 *  @param image Input image type. DOES NOT NEED TO BE GrayF32, GrayU8 works too
	public static void easy( GrayF32 image ) {
		// create the detector and descriptors
		ConfigFastHessian configDetector = new ConfigFastHessian();
		configDetector.extract = new ConfigExtract(2, 0, 5, true);
		configDetector.maxFeaturesPerScale = 200;
		configDetector.initialSampleStep = 2;

		DetectDescribePoint<GrayF32,TupleDesc_F64> surf = FactoryDetectDescribe.
				surfStable(configDetector, null, null,GrayF32.class);

		 // specify the image to process

		System.out.println("Found Features: "+surf.getNumberOfFeatures());
		System.out.println("First descriptor's first value: "+surf.getDescription(0).data[0]);

	 * Configured exactly the same as the easy example above, but require a lot more code and a more in depth
	 * understanding of how SURF works and is configured. Each sub-problem which composes "SURF" is now explicitly
	 * created and configured independently. This allows an advance user to tune it for a specific problem.
	 * @param image Input image type. DOES NOT NEED TO BE GrayF32, GrayU8 works too
	public static <II extends ImageGray<II>> void harder(GrayF32 image ) {
		// SURF works off of integral images
		Class<II> integralType = GIntegralImageOps.getIntegralType(GrayF32.class);
		// define the feature detection algorithm
		ConfigFastHessian config = new ConfigFastHessian();
		config.extract = new ConfigExtract(2, 0, 5, true);
		config.maxFeaturesPerScale = 200;
		config.initialSampleStep = 2;
		FastHessianFeatureDetector<II> detector = FactoryInterestPointAlgs.fastHessian(config);

		// estimate orientation
		OrientationIntegral<II> orientation =  FactoryOrientationAlgs.sliding_ii(null, integralType);

		DescribePointSurf<II> descriptor = FactoryDescribeAlgs.surfStability(null,integralType);
		// compute the integral image of 'image'
		II integral = GeneralizedImageOps.createSingleBand(integralType,image.width,image.height);
		GIntegralImageOps.transform(image, integral);

		// detect fast hessian features
		// tell algorithms which image to process

		List<ScalePoint> points = detector.getFoundFeatures();

		List<TupleDesc_F64> descriptions = new ArrayList<>();

		for( ScalePoint p : points ) {
			// estimate orientation
			orientation.setObjectRadius( p.scale*BoofDefaults.SURF_SCALE_TO_RADIUS);
			double angle = orientation.compute(p.pixel.x,p.pixel.y);
			// extract the SURF description for this region
			TupleDesc_F64 desc = descriptor.createDescription();
			descriptor.describe(p.pixel.x,p.pixel.y,angle,p.scale, true, desc);

			// save everything for processing later on
		System.out.println("Found Features: "+points.size());
		System.out.println("First descriptor's first value: "+descriptions.get(0).data[0]);

	public static void main( String[] args ) {
		// Need to turn off concurrency since the order in which feature are returned
		// is not deterministic if turned on
		BoofConcurrency.USE_CONCURRENT = false;

		GrayF32 image = UtilImageIO.loadImage(UtilIO.pathExample("particles01.jpg"), GrayF32.class);
		// run each example