Interface ConstMatrix<T extends ConstMatrix<T>>

All Known Implementing Classes:
SimpleBase, SimpleMatrix

public interface ConstMatrix<T extends ConstMatrix<T>>

Interface that only implements operations in SimpleBase that are read only.

A "shallow immutable" matrix where none of its API allow you to modify the matrix. However (similar to const in C++) you can access the modifiable matrix by downcasting to SimpleMatrix or by externally modifying in a function that has access to the original object. This interface acts as a strong suggestion that the matrix should not be modified. However, the only way to ensure that no external code modifies this matrix is to create a local copy that can't be accessed externally.

NOTE: Implementations of ConstMatrix must extend SimpleBase or else it won't work when given as input to any class based off of SimpleBase.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Size of internal array elements.
    cols(int begin, int end)
    Extracts the specified columns from the matrix.
    combine(int insertRow, int insertCol, ConstMatrix<?> B)
    Creates a new matrix that is a combination of this matrix and matrix B.
    concatColumns(ConstMatrix<?>... matrices)
    Concatenates all the matrices together along their columns.
    concatRows(ConstMatrix<?>... matrices)
    Concatenates all the matrices together along their columns.
    The condition p = 2 number of a matrix is used to measure the sensitivity of the linear system Ax=b.
    Returns the complex conjugate of this matrix.
    Creates and returns a matrix which is identical to this one.
    Creates a matrix that is the same type and shape
    Computes the determinant of the matrix.
    Computes the determinant of a complex matrix.
    If a vector then a square matrix is returned if a matrix then a vector of diagonal ements is returned
    divide(double val)
    Returns the result of dividing each element by 'val': bi,j = ai,j/val
    Computes the dot product (or inner product) between this vector and vector 'v'.
    Returns a matrix which is the result of an element by element division of 'this' and 'b': ci,j = ai,j/bi,j
    Returns a matrix which is the result of an element by element exp of 'this' ci,j = Math.exp(ai,j)
    Returns a matrix which is the result of an element by element exp of 'this' ci,j = Math.log(ai,j)
    Returns the maximum real value of all the elements in this matrix.
    Returns the maximum absolute value of all the elements in this matrix.
    Returns the minimum real value of all the elements in this matrix.
    Returns the minimum absolute value of all the elements in this matrix.
    Returns a matrix which is the result of an element by element multiplication of 'this' and 'b': ci,j = ai,j*bi,j
    Applies a user defined complex-valued function to a real or complex-valued matrix.
    Applies a user defined real-valued function to a real-valued matrix.
    elementPower(double b)
    Returns a matrix which is the result of an element by element power of 'this' and 'b': ci,j = ai,j ^ b
    Returns a matrix which is the result of an element by element power of 'this' and 'b': ci,j = ai,j ^ bi,j
    Computes the sum of all the elements in the matrix.
    Computes the sum of all the elements in the matrix.
    extractMatrix(int y0, int y1, int x0, int x1)
    Creates a new SimpleMatrix which is a submatrix of this matrix.
    extractVector(boolean extractRow, int element)
    Extracts a row or column from this matrix.
    get(int index)
    Returns the value of the matrix at the specified index of the 1D row major array.
    get(int row, int col)
    Returns the value of the specified matrix element.
    get(int row, int col, Complex_F64 output)
    Used to get the complex value of a matrix element.
    getColumn(int col)
    Returns the specified column in 'this' matrix as a column vector.
    default double
    getImag(int row, int col)
    getImaginary(int row, int col)
    Returns the imaginary component of the element.
    getIndex(int row, int col)
    Returns the index in the matrix's array.
    Returns the number of columns in this matrix.
    default int
    Returns the number of elements in this matrix, which is equal to the number of rows times the number of columns.
    Returns the number of rows in this matrix.
    getReal(int row, int col)
    Returns the real component of the element.
    getRow(int row)
    Returns the specified row in 'this' matrix as a row vector.
    Returns the type of matrix it is wrapping.
    Checks to see if any of the elements in this matrix are either NaN or infinite.
    default T
    Convenience function.
    Returns a matrix that contains the imaginary valued portion of a complex matrix.
    Returns the inverse of this matrix.

    b = a-1
    isIdentical(ConstMatrix<?> a, double tol)
    Checks to see if matrix 'a' is the same as this matrix within the specified tolerance.
    isInBounds(int row, int col)
    Returns true of the specified matrix element is valid element inside this matrix.
    Returns true if this matrix is a vector.
    iterator(boolean rowMajor, int minRow, int minCol, int maxRow, int maxCol)
    Creates a new iterator for traversing through a submatrix inside this matrix.
    Computes the Kronecker product between this matrix and the provided B matrix:

    C = kron(A,B)
    Returns a real matrix that has the complex magnitude of each element in the matrix.
    minus(double b)
    Returns the result of matrix-double subtraction:

    c = a - b

    where c is the returned matrix, a is this matrix, and b is the passed in double.
    Returns the result of matrix subtraction:

    c = a - b

    where c is the returned matrix, a is this matrix, and b is the passed in matrix.
    minusComplex(double real, double imag)
    Subtracts a complex scalar from each element in the matrix.
    Returns a matrix which is the result of matrix multiplication:

    c = a * b

    where c is the returned matrix, a is this matrix, and b is the passed in matrix.
    Returns a new matrix whose elements are the negative of 'this' matrix's elements.

    bij = -aij
    Computes the Frobenius normal of the matrix:

    normF = Sqrt{ ∑i=1:mj=1:n { aij2} }
    plus(double b)
    Returns the result of scalar addition:

    c = a + b

    where c is the returned matrix, a is this matrix, and b is the passed in double.
    plus(double beta, ConstMatrix<?> B)
    Performs a matrix addition and scale operation.

    c = a + β*b

    where c is the returned matrix, a is this matrix, and b is the passed in matrix.
    Returns the result of matrix addition:

    c = a + b

    where c is the returned matrix, a is this matrix, and b is the passed in matrix.
    plusComplex(double real, double imag)
    Adds a complex scalar from each element in the matrix.
    Prints the matrix to standard out.
    print(String format)
    Prints the matrix to standard out given a PrintStream.printf(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...) style floating point format, e.g.
    Computes the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse
    Returns a matrix that contains the real valued portion of a complex matrix.
    rows(int begin, int end)
    Extracts the specified rows from the matrix.
    Saves this matrix to a file in a CSV format.
    Saves this matrix to a file in a matrix market format.
    scale(double val)
    Returns the result of scaling each element by 'val':
    bi,j = val*ai,j
    scaleComplex(double real, double imag)
    Scales/multiplies each element in the matrix by the complex number.
    Solves for X in the following equation:

    x = a-1b

    where 'a' is this matrix and 'b' is an n by p matrix.
    Returns 2D array of doubles using the SimpleBase.get(int, int) method.
    Computes the trace of the matrix.
    Computes the trace of a complex matrix.
    Returns the transpose of this matrix.
    Returns a matrix that is the conjugate transpose.
  • Method Details

    • transpose

      T transpose()

      Returns the transpose of this matrix.

      A matrix that is n by m.
      See Also:
    • transposeConjugate

      T transposeConjugate()
      Returns a matrix that is the conjugate transpose. If real then this is the same as calling transpose().
    • mult

      T mult(ConstMatrix<?> B)

      Returns a matrix which is the result of matrix multiplication:

      c = a * b

      where c is the returned matrix, a is this matrix, and b is the passed in matrix.

      B - A matrix that is n by p. Not modified.
      The results of this operation.
      See Also:
    • kron

      T kron(ConstMatrix<?> B)

      Computes the Kronecker product between this matrix and the provided B matrix:

      C = kron(A,B)

      B - The right matrix in the operation. Not modified.
      Kronecker product between this matrix and B.
      See Also:
    • plus

      T plus(ConstMatrix<?> B)

      Returns the result of matrix addition:

      c = a + b

      where c is the returned matrix, a is this matrix, and b is the passed in matrix.

      B - m by n matrix. Not modified.
      The results of this operation.
    • minus

      T minus(ConstMatrix<?> B)

      Returns the result of matrix subtraction:

      c = a - b

      where c is the returned matrix, a is this matrix, and b is the passed in matrix.

      B - m by n matrix. Not modified.
      The results of this operation.
      See Also:
    • minus

      T minus(double b)

      Returns the result of matrix-double subtraction:

      c = a - b

      where c is the returned matrix, a is this matrix, and b is the passed in double.

      NOTE: If the matrix is complex then 'b' will be treated like a complex number with imaginary = 0.

      b - Value subtracted from each element
      The results of this operation.
      See Also:
    • minusComplex

      T minusComplex(double real, double imag)
      Subtracts a complex scalar from each element in the matrix. If the matrix is real, then it will return a complex matrix unless the imaginary component of the scalar is zero.
      real - Real component of scalar value
      imag - Imaginary component of scalar value
      The results of this operation.
    • plus

      T plus(double b)

      Returns the result of scalar addition:

      c = a + b

      where c is the returned matrix, a is this matrix, and b is the passed in double.

      NOTE: If the matrix is complex then 'b' will be treated like a complex number with imaginary = 0.

      b - Value added to each element
      A matrix that contains the results.
      See Also:
    • plusComplex

      T plusComplex(double real, double imag)
      Adds a complex scalar from each element in the matrix. If the matrix is real, then it will return a complex matrix unless the imaginary component of the scalar is zero.
      real - Real component of scalar value
      imag - Imaginary component of scalar value
      The results of this operation.
    • plus

      T plus(double beta, ConstMatrix<?> B)

      Performs a matrix addition and scale operation.

      c = a + β*b

      where c is the returned matrix, a is this matrix, and b is the passed in matrix.

      NOTE: If the matrix is complex then 'b' will be treated like a complex number with imaginary = 0.

      B - m by n matrix. Not modified.
      A matrix that contains the results.
      See Also:
    • dot

      double dot(ConstMatrix<?> v)
      Computes the dot product (or inner product) between this vector and vector 'v'.
      v - The second vector in the dot product. Not modified.
      dot product
    • isVector

      boolean isVector()
      Returns true if this matrix is a vector. A vector is defined as a matrix that has either one row or column.
      Returns true for vectors and false otherwise.
    • scale

      T scale(double val)

      Returns the result of scaling each element by 'val':
      bi,j = val*ai,j

      val - The multiplication factor. If matrix is complex then the imaginary component is zero.
      The scaled matrix.
      See Also:
    • scaleComplex

      T scaleComplex(double real, double imag)
      Scales/multiplies each element in the matrix by the complex number. If the matrix is real, then it will return a complex matrix unless the imaginary component of the scalar is zero.
      real - Real component of scalar value
      imag - Imaginary component of scalar value
      Scaled matrix
    • divide

      T divide(double val)

      Returns the result of dividing each element by 'val': bi,j = ai,j/val

      val - Divisor. If matrix is complex then the imaginary component is zero.
      Matrix with its elements divided by the specified value.
      See Also:
    • invert

      T invert()

      Returns the inverse of this matrix.

      b = a-1

      If the matrix could not be inverted then SingularMatrixException is thrown. Even if no exception is thrown the matrix could still be singular or nearly singular.

      The inverse of this matrix.
      See Also:
    • pseudoInverse

      T pseudoInverse()

      Computes the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse

      inverse computed using the pseudo inverse.
    • solve

      T solve(ConstMatrix<?> B)

      Solves for X in the following equation:

      x = a-1b

      where 'a' is this matrix and 'b' is an n by p matrix.

      If the system could not be solved then SingularMatrixException is thrown. Even if no exception is thrown 'a' could still be singular or nearly singular.

      B - n by p matrix. Not modified.
      The solution for 'x' that is n by p.
      See Also:
    • normF

      double normF()

      Computes the Frobenius normal of the matrix:

      normF = Sqrt{ ∑i=1:mj=1:n { aij2} }

      The matrix's Frobenius normal.
      See Also:
    • conditionP2

      double conditionP2()

      The condition p = 2 number of a matrix is used to measure the sensitivity of the linear system Ax=b. A value near one indicates that it is a well conditioned matrix.

      The condition number.
      See Also:
    • determinant

      double determinant()
      Computes the determinant of the matrix.
      The determinant.
      See Also:
    • determinantComplex

      Complex_F64 determinantComplex()
      Computes the determinant of a complex matrix. If the matrix is real then the imaginary component is always zero.
      The determinant.
      See Also:
    • trace

      double trace()

      Computes the trace of the matrix.

      The trace of the matrix.
      See Also:
    • traceComplex

      Complex_F64 traceComplex()

      Computes the trace of a complex matrix. If the matrix is real then the imaginary component is always zero.

      The trace of the matrix.
      See Also:
    • get

      double get(int row, int col)
      Returns the value of the specified matrix element. Performs a bounds check to make sure the requested element is part of the matrix.

      NOTE: Complex matrices will throw an exception

      row - The row of the element.
      col - The column of the element.
      The value of the element.
    • get

      double get(int index)
      Returns the value of the matrix at the specified index of the 1D row major array.
      index - The element's index whose value is to be returned
      The value of the specified element.
      See Also:
    • get

      void get(int row, int col, Complex_F64 output)
      Used to get the complex value of a matrix element.
      row - The row of the element.
      col - The column of the element.
      output - Storage for the value
    • getReal

      double getReal(int row, int col)
      Returns the real component of the element. If a real matrix this is the same as calling get(int, int).
      row - The row of the element.
      col - The column of the element.
    • getImaginary

      double getImaginary(int row, int col)
      Returns the imaginary component of the element. If a real matrix this will always be zero.
      row - The row of the element.
      col - The column of the element.
    • getImag

      default double getImag(int row, int col)
    • getIndex

      int getIndex(int row, int col)
      Returns the index in the matrix's array.
      row - The row number.
      col - The column number.
      The index of the specified element.
      See Also:
    • iterator

      DMatrixIterator iterator(boolean rowMajor, int minRow, int minCol, int maxRow, int maxCol)
      Creates a new iterator for traversing through a submatrix inside this matrix. It can be traversed by row or by column. Range of elements is inclusive, e.g. minRow = 0 and maxRow = 1 will include rows 0 and 1. The iteration starts at (minRow,minCol) and ends at (maxRow,maxCol)
      rowMajor - true means it will traverse through the submatrix by row first, false by columns.
      minRow - first row it will start at.
      minCol - first column it will start at.
      maxRow - last row it will stop at.
      maxCol - last column it will stop at.
      A new MatrixIterator
    • copy

      T copy()
      Creates and returns a matrix which is identical to this one.
      A new identical matrix.
    • getNumRows

      int getNumRows()
      Returns the number of rows in this matrix.
      number of rows.
    • getNumCols

      int getNumCols()
      Returns the number of columns in this matrix.
      number of columns.
    • getNumElements

      default int getNumElements()
      Returns the number of elements in this matrix, which is equal to the number of rows times the number of columns.
      The number of elements in the matrix.
    • print

      void print()
      Prints the matrix to standard out.
    • print

      void print(String format)

      Prints the matrix to standard out given a PrintStream.printf(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...) style floating point format, e.g. print("%f").

    • toArray2

      double[][] toArray2()
      Returns 2D array of doubles using the SimpleBase.get(int, int) method.
      2D array of doubles.
    • extractMatrix

      T extractMatrix(int y0, int y1, int x0, int x1)

      Creates a new SimpleMatrix which is a submatrix of this matrix.

      si-y0 , j-x0 = oij for all y0 ≤ i < y1 and x0 ≤ j < x1

      where 'sij' is an element in the submatrix and 'oij' is an element in the original matrix.

      If any of the inputs are set to SimpleMatrix.END then it will be set to the last row or column in the matrix.

      y0 - Start row.
      y1 - Stop row + 1.
      x0 - Start column.
      x1 - Stop column + 1.
      The submatrix.
    • extractVector

      T extractVector(boolean extractRow, int element)

      Extracts a row or column from this matrix. The returned vector will either be a row or column vector depending on the input type.

      extractRow - If true a row will be extracted.
      element - The row or column the vector is contained in.
      Extracted vector.
      See Also:
    • getRow

      T getRow(int row)
      Returns the specified row in 'this' matrix as a row vector.
      row - Row in the matrix
      Extracted vector
      See Also:
    • getColumn

      T getColumn(int col)
      Returns the specified column in 'this' matrix as a column vector.
      col - Column in the matrix
      Extracted vector
      See Also:
    • diag

      T diag()

      If a vector then a square matrix is returned if a matrix then a vector of diagonal ements is returned

      Diagonal elements inside a vector or a square matrix with the same diagonal elements.
      See Also:
    • isIdentical

      boolean isIdentical(ConstMatrix<?> a, double tol)
      Checks to see if matrix 'a' is the same as this matrix within the specified tolerance.
      a - The matrix it is being compared against.
      tol - How similar they must be to be equals.
      If they are equal within tolerance of each other.
    • hasUncountable

      boolean hasUncountable()
      Checks to see if any of the elements in this matrix are either NaN or infinite.
      True of an element is NaN or infinite. False otherwise.
    • combine

      T combine(int insertRow, int insertCol, ConstMatrix<?> B)

      Creates a new matrix that is a combination of this matrix and matrix B. B is written into A at the specified location if needed the size of A is increased by growing it. A is grown by padding the new area with zeros.

      While useful when adding data to a matrix which will be solved for it is also much less efficient than predeclaring a matrix and inserting data into it.

      If insertRow or insertCol is set to SimpleMatrix.END then it will be combined at the last row or column respectively.

      insertRow - Row where matrix B is written in to.
      insertCol - Column where matrix B is written in to.
      B - The matrix that is written into A.
      A new combined matrix.
    • elementMax

      double elementMax()
      Returns the maximum real value of all the elements in this matrix.
      Largest real value of any element.
    • elementMin

      double elementMin()
      Returns the minimum real value of all the elements in this matrix.
      Smallest real value of any element.
    • elementMaxAbs

      double elementMaxAbs()
      Returns the maximum absolute value of all the elements in this matrix. This is equivalent to the infinite p-norm of the matrix.
      Largest absolute value of any element.
    • elementMinAbs

      double elementMinAbs()
      Returns the minimum absolute value of all the elements in this matrix.
      Smallest absolute value of any element.
    • elementSum

      double elementSum()
      Computes the sum of all the elements in the matrix. Only works on real matrices.
      Sum of all the elements.
    • elementSumComplex

      Complex_F64 elementSumComplex()
      Computes the sum of all the elements in the matrix. Works with both real and complex matrices.
      Sum of all the elements.
    • elementMult

      T elementMult(ConstMatrix<?> b)

      Returns a matrix which is the result of an element by element multiplication of 'this' and 'b': ci,j = ai,j*bi,j

      b - A simple matrix.
      The element by element multiplication of 'this' and 'b'.
    • elementDiv

      T elementDiv(ConstMatrix<?> b)

      Returns a matrix which is the result of an element by element division of 'this' and 'b': ci,j = ai,j/bi,j

      b - A simple matrix.
      The element by element division of 'this' and 'b'.
    • elementPower

      T elementPower(ConstMatrix<?> b)

      Returns a matrix which is the result of an element by element power of 'this' and 'b': ci,j = ai,j ^ bi,j

      b - A simple matrix.
      The element by element power of 'this' and 'b'.
    • elementPower

      T elementPower(double b)

      Returns a matrix which is the result of an element by element power of 'this' and 'b': ci,j = ai,j ^ b

      b - Scalar
      The element by element power of 'this' and 'b'.
    • elementExp

      T elementExp()

      Returns a matrix which is the result of an element by element exp of 'this' ci,j = Math.exp(ai,j)

      The element by element power of 'this' and 'b'.
    • elementLog

      T elementLog()

      Returns a matrix which is the result of an element by element exp of 'this' ci,j = Math.log(ai,j)

      The element by element power of 'this' and 'b'.
    • elementOp

      Applies a user defined real-valued function to a real-valued matrix.

      ci,j = op(i, j, ai,j)

      If the matrix is sparse then this is only applied to non-zero elements

    • elementOp

      Applies a user defined complex-valued function to a real or complex-valued matrix.

      ci,j = op(i, j, ai,j)

      If the matrix is sparse then this is only applied to non-zero elements

    • negative

      T negative()

      Returns a new matrix whose elements are the negative of 'this' matrix's elements.

      bij = -aij

      A matrix that is the negative of the original.
    • conjugate

      T conjugate()

      Returns the complex conjugate of this matrix.

    • magnitude

      T magnitude()

      Returns a real matrix that has the complex magnitude of each element in the matrix. For a real matrix this is the abs()

    • saveToFileCSV

      void saveToFileCSV(String fileName) throws IOException

      Saves this matrix to a file in a CSV format. For the file format see MatrixIO.

    • saveToMatrixMarket

      void saveToMatrixMarket(String fileName) throws IOException

      Saves this matrix to a file in a matrix market format. For the file format see MatrixIO.

    • isInBounds

      boolean isInBounds(int row, int col)
      Returns true of the specified matrix element is valid element inside this matrix.
      row - Row index.
      col - Column index.
      true if it is a valid element in the matrix.
    • bits

      int bits()
      Size of internal array elements. 32 or 64 bits
    • rows

      T rows(int begin, int end)
      Extracts the specified rows from the matrix.
      begin - First row (inclusive).
      end - Last row (exclusive).
      Submatrix that contains the specified rows.
    • cols

      T cols(int begin, int end)
      Extracts the specified columns from the matrix.
      begin - First column (inclusive).
      end - Last column (exclusive).
      Submatrix that contains the specified columns.
    • concatColumns

      T concatColumns(ConstMatrix<?>... matrices)

      Concatenates all the matrices together along their columns. If the rows do not match the upper elements are set to zero.

      A = [ this, m[0] , ... , m[n-1] ]
      matrices - Set of matrices
      Resulting matrix
    • concatRows

      T concatRows(ConstMatrix<?>... matrices)

      Concatenates all the matrices together along their columns. If the rows do not match the upper elements are set to zero.

      A = [ this; m[0] ; ... ; m[n-1] ]
      matrices - Set of matrices
      Resulting matrix
    • getType

      MatrixType getType()
      Returns the type of matrix it is wrapping.
    • real

      T real()
      Returns a matrix that contains the real valued portion of a complex matrix. For a real valued matrix this will return a copy.
    • imaginary

      T imaginary()
      Returns a matrix that contains the imaginary valued portion of a complex matrix. For a real valued matrix this will return a matrix full of zeros.
    • imag

      default T imag()
      Convenience function. See imaginary()
    • createLike

      T createLike()
      Creates a matrix that is the same type and shape
      New matrix