Example Video Stabilization

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Video stabilization attempts to overlay more recent images on top of a keyframe. This makes it easier to identify objects which are moving relative to the background.

Example File: ExampleVideoStabilization.java


  • Image Stitching
  • Image Stabilization
  • 2D image motion

Related Examples:

Example Code

 * Example of how to stabilizing a video sequence using StitchingFromMotion2D. Video stabilization is almost
 * the same as creating a video mosaic and the code in this example is a tweaked version of the mosaic example.
 * The differences are that the output size is the same as the input image size and that the origin is never changed.
 * @author Peter Abeles
public class ExampleVideoStabilization {
	public static void main( String[] args ) {
		// Configure the feature detector
		ConfigPointDetector configDetector = new ConfigPointDetector();
		configDetector.type = PointDetectorTypes.SHI_TOMASI;
		configDetector.general.maxFeatures = 300;
		configDetector.general.threshold = 10;
		configDetector.general.radius = 2;

		// Use a KLT tracker
		PointTracker<GrayF32> tracker = FactoryPointTracker.klt(4, configDetector, 3,
				GrayF32.class, GrayF32.class);

		// This estimates the 2D image motion
		// An Affine2D_F64 model also works quite well.
		ImageMotion2D<GrayF32, Homography2D_F64> motion2D =
				FactoryMotion2D.createMotion2D(200, 3, 2, 30, 0.6, 0.5, false, tracker, new Homography2D_F64());

		// wrap it so it output color images while estimating motion from gray
		ImageMotion2D<Planar<GrayF32>, Homography2D_F64> motion2DColor =
				new PlToGrayMotion2D<>(motion2D, GrayF32.class);

		// This fuses the images together
		StitchingFromMotion2D<Planar<GrayF32>, Homography2D_F64>
				stabilize = FactoryMotion2D.createVideoStitch(0.5, motion2DColor, ImageType.pl(3, GrayF32.class));

		// Load an image sequence
		MediaManager media = DefaultMediaManager.INSTANCE;
		String fileName = UtilIO.pathExample("shake.mjpeg");
		SimpleImageSequence<Planar<GrayF32>> video =
				media.openVideo(fileName, ImageType.pl(3, GrayF32.class));

		Planar<GrayF32> frame = video.next();

		// The output image size is the same as the input image size
		stabilize.configure(frame.width, frame.height, null);
		// process the first frame

		// Create the GUI for displaying the results + input image
		ImageGridPanel gui = new ImageGridPanel(1, 2);
		gui.setImage(0, 0, new BufferedImage(frame.width, frame.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB));
		gui.setImage(0, 1, new BufferedImage(frame.width, frame.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB));

		ShowImages.showWindow(gui, "Example Stabilization", true);

		// process the video sequence one frame at a time
		while (video.hasNext()) {
			if (!stabilize.process(video.next()))
				throw new RuntimeException("Don't forget to handle failures!");

			// display the stabilized image
			ConvertBufferedImage.convertTo(frame, gui.getImage(0, 0), true);
			ConvertBufferedImage.convertTo(stabilize.getStitchedImage(), gui.getImage(0, 1), true);


			// throttle the speed just in case it's on a fast computer