Uses of Class
Packages that use WrapBaseBlockMatch
Uses of WrapBaseBlockMatch in boofcv.abst.disparity
Subclasses of WrapBaseBlockMatch in boofcv.abst.disparityModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
DisparityBlockMatchCorrelation<T extends ImageGray<T>,
D extends ImageGray<D>, TF extends ImageGray<TF>> Wrapper aroundStereoDisparity
that will (optionally) convert all inputs to float and normalize the input to have zero mean and an absolute value of at most 1.class
WrapDisparityBlockMatchCensus<T extends ImageGray<T>,
C extends ImageGray<C>, DI extends ImageGray<DI>> Wrapper around Block Matching disparity which uses Census as an error measure.class
WrapDisparityBlockMatchRowFormat<T extends ImageGray<T>,
DI extends ImageGray<DI>> Wrapper for any implementation ofDisparityBlockMatchRowFormat