Class BaseAssociateDescriptionSets<Desc>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AssociateDescriptionArraySets, AssociateDescriptionHashSets

public abstract class BaseAssociateDescriptionSets<Desc> extends BaseAssociateSets<Desc>
Base class for set aware feature association
  • Constructor Details

    • BaseAssociateDescriptionSets

      protected BaseAssociateDescriptionSets(Associate<Desc> associator)
      Specifies the type of descriptor
  • Method Details

    • addSource

      public abstract void addSource(Desc description, int set)
      Adds a new descriptor and its set to the list. The order that descriptors are added is important and saved.
    • addDestination

      public abstract void addDestination(Desc description, int set)
      Adds a new descriptor and its set to the list. The order that descriptors are added is important and saved.
    • initialize

      public abstract void initialize(int numberOfSets)
      Specifies the number of sets and resets all internal data structures. This must be called before any other function.