Interface Associate<Desc>

All Known Subinterfaces:
AssociateDescription<Desc>, AssociateDescription2D<Desc>, AssociateMaxDistance<D>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAssociateDescription2D, AssociateDescription2DDefault, AssociateDescriptionAbstract, AssociateDescriptionArraySets, AssociateDescriptionHashSets, AssociateDescriptionSets2D, AssociateDescTo2D, AssociateNearestNeighbor, AssociateNearestNeighbor_MT, AssociateNearestNeighbor_ST, AssociateStereo2D, BaseAssociateDescriptionSets, BaseAssociateSets, EnforceUniqueByScore, EnforceUniqueByScore.Describe, EnforceUniqueByScore.Describe2D, WrapAssociateGreedy, WrapAssociateGreedy2D

public interface Associate<Desc>

Common interface for associating features between two images. Found associations are returned in a list of AssociatedIndex which specifies the index and score of the matching pair. Implementing classes can optionally ensure that a unique pairing is found from source to destination and/or the reverse. See functions uniqueSource() and uniqueDestination(). Indexes refer to the index in the input list for source and destination lists. Inputs are not specified in this interface but are specified in a child interface.

Indexes of matching features are used instead of the descriptions because descriptions are often separated from another more complex data structure and the index can be easily matched to that data.
Unassociated feature lists can be easily computed using the returned set of associations. This functionality is provided since in some cases it can be computed at virtually no cost during association.

  • Method Details

    • associate

      void associate()
      Finds the best match for each item in the source list with an item in the destination list.
    • getMatches

      List of associated features. Indexes refer to the index inside the input lists.
      List of associated features.
    • getUnassociatedSource

      DogArray_I32 getUnassociatedSource()
      Indexes of features in the source set which are not associated. WARNING: In some implementations the unassociated list is recomputed each time this function is invoked. In other implementations it was found virtually for free while the matches are found.
      List of unassociated source features by index.
    • getUnassociatedDestination

      DogArray_I32 getUnassociatedDestination()
      Indexes of features in the destination set which are not associated. WARNING: In some implementations the unassociated list is recomputed each time this function is invoked. In other implementations it was found virtually for free while the matches are found.
      List of unassociated destination features by index.
    • setMaxScoreThreshold

      void setMaxScoreThreshold(double score)
      Associations are only considered if their score is less than or equal to the specified threshold. To remove any threshold test set this value to Double.MAX_VALUE
      score - The threshold.
    • getScoreType

      MatchScoreType getScoreType()
      Specifies the type of score which is returned.
      Type of association score.
    • uniqueSource

      boolean uniqueSource()
      If at most one match is returned for each source feature.
      true for unique source association
    • uniqueDestination

      boolean uniqueDestination()
      If at most one match is returned for each destination feature.
      true for unique destination association
    • getDescriptionType

      Class<Desc> getDescriptionType()
      Returns the type of object it can associate