Interface DescribePointRadiusAngle<T extends ImageBase<T>,Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DescribeBrief_RadiusAngle, DescribeBriefSO_RadiusAngle, DescribeNCC_RadiusAngle, DescribePlanar, DescribePointRadiusAngleAbstract, DescribePointRadiusAngleConvertImage, DescribePointRadiusAngleConvertTuple, DescribePointRawPixels_RadiusAngle, DescribeSift_RadiusAngle, DescribeSurf_RadiusAngle, DescribeSurfPlanar_RadiusAngle

public interface DescribePointRadiusAngle<T extends ImageBase<T>,Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>> extends DescriptorInfo<Desc>
High level interface for describing the region around a point when given the pixel coordinate of the point, the region's radius, and the regions orientation.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the width of the square (or approximation of) sample region at a scale of one.
    Description of the type of image it can process
    True if the descriptor uses orientation information.
    If size information is used when computing the descriptor.
    process(double x, double y, double orientation, double radius, Desc description)
    Extract a description of the local image at the given point, scale, and orientation.
    setImage(T image)
    Specified the image which is to be processed.

    Methods inherited from interface boofcv.abst.feature.describe.DescriptorInfo

    createDescription, getDescriptionType
  • Method Details

    • setImage

      void setImage(T image)
      Specified the image which is to be processed.
      image - The image which contains the features.
    • process

      boolean process(double x, double y, double orientation, double radius, Desc description)

      Extract a description of the local image at the given point, scale, and orientation.

      WARNING: Check the returned value to make sure a description was actually computed. Some implementations might now allow features to extend outside the image border and will return false.

      x - Coordinate of the point.
      y - Coordinate of the point.
      orientation - Direction the feature is pointing at in radians. 0 = x-axis PI/2 = y-axis
      radius - Radius of the detected object in pixels.
      description - (output) Storage for extracted feature. Use DescriptorInfo.createDescription() to create descriptor.
      true if a descriptor can be computed or false if not.
    • isScalable

      boolean isScalable()
      If size information is used when computing the descriptor.
      true is the radius is used when computing the descriptor or false if not
    • isOriented

      boolean isOriented()
      True if the descriptor uses orientation information.
      if orientation needs to be provided or not
    • getImageType

      ImageType<T> getImageType()
      Description of the type of image it can process
    • getCanonicalWidth

      double getCanonicalWidth()
      Returns the width of the square (or approximation of) sample region at a scale of one. When multiplied by the scale, pixels outside of the square region should not influence the descriptor's value.
      width of descriptor at a scale of one