Class DescribePlanar<T extends ImageGray<T>,Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>>

All Implemented Interfaces:
DescribePointRadiusAngle<Planar<T>,Desc>, DescriptorInfo<Desc>

public abstract class DescribePlanar<T extends ImageGray<T>,Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>> extends Object implements DescribePointRadiusAngle<Planar<T>,Desc>
Computes a feature description from Planar images by computing a descriptor separately in each band. The output descriptor is computed by concatenating the descriptors for each bands together. So [1,2,3] and [3,4,5] from a two band image will become [1,2,3,3,4,5].
  • Constructor Details

    • DescribePlanar

      protected DescribePlanar(DescribePointRadiusAngle<T,Desc>[] describers)
      describers - A descriptor for each band in the image.
  • Method Details

    • setImage

      public void setImage(Planar<T> image)
      Description copied from interface: DescribePointRadiusAngle
      Specified the image which is to be processed.
      Specified by:
      setImage in interface DescribePointRadiusAngle<T extends ImageGray<T>,Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>>
      image - The image which contains the features.
    • process

      public boolean process(double x, double y, double orientation, double radius, Desc description)
      Description copied from interface: DescribePointRadiusAngle

      Extract a description of the local image at the given point, scale, and orientation.

      WARNING: Check the returned value to make sure a description was actually computed. Some implementations might now allow features to extend outside the image border and will return false.

      Specified by:
      process in interface DescribePointRadiusAngle<T extends ImageGray<T>,Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>>
      x - Coordinate of the point.
      y - Coordinate of the point.
      orientation - Direction the feature is pointing at in radians. 0 = x-axis PI/2 = y-axis
      radius - Radius of the detected object in pixels.
      description - (output) Storage for extracted feature. Use DescriptorInfo.createDescription() to create descriptor.
      true if a descriptor can be computed or false if not.
    • combine

      protected abstract void combine(Desc description)
      Given all the descriptors computed independently in each band, combine them together into a single descriptor.
    • isScalable

      public boolean isScalable()
      Description copied from interface: DescribePointRadiusAngle
      If size information is used when computing the descriptor.
      Specified by:
      isScalable in interface DescribePointRadiusAngle<T extends ImageGray<T>,Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>>
      true is the radius is used when computing the descriptor or false if not
    • isOriented

      public boolean isOriented()
      Description copied from interface: DescribePointRadiusAngle
      True if the descriptor uses orientation information.
      Specified by:
      isOriented in interface DescribePointRadiusAngle<T extends ImageGray<T>,Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>>
      if orientation needs to be provided or not
    • getDescriptionType

      public Class<Desc> getDescriptionType()
      Description copied from interface: DescriptorInfo
      The type of region descriptor generated
      Specified by:
      getDescriptionType in interface DescriptorInfo<T extends ImageGray<T>>
      Returns the descriptor type.
    • getCanonicalWidth

      public double getCanonicalWidth()
      Description copied from interface: DescribePointRadiusAngle
      Returns the width of the square (or approximation of) sample region at a scale of one. When multiplied by the scale, pixels outside of the square region should not influence the descriptor's value.
      Specified by:
      getCanonicalWidth in interface DescribePointRadiusAngle<T extends ImageGray<T>,Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>>
      width of descriptor at a scale of one