Interface GeneralFeatureIntensity<I extends ImageGray<I>,D extends ImageGray<D>>

Type Parameters:
I - Input image type.
D - Image derivative type.
All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseGeneralFeatureIntensity, WrapperFastCornerIntensity, WrapperGradientCornerIntensity, WrapperHessianDerivBlobIntensity, WrapperHessianThreeImageDetIntensity, WrapperKitRosCornerIntensity, WrapperLaplacianBlobIntensity, WrapperMedianCornerIntensity

public interface GeneralFeatureIntensity<I extends ImageGray<I>,D extends ImageGray<D>>
Extracts corners from a the image and or its gradient. This is a generalized interface and lacks some of the functionality of more specialized classes.
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    @Nullable ListIntPoint2D
    (Optional) Returns a list of candidate for local maximums.
    @Nullable ListIntPoint2D
    (Optional) Returns a list of candidate for local minimums.
    @Nullable Class<D>
    Derivative image type.
    Pixels within this distance from the image border are not processed.
    @Nullable Class<I>
    Input image type.
    Returns an image containing an intensity mapping showing how corner like each pixel is.
    If the image gradient is required for calculations.
    Is the image's second derivative required?
    If true there is a list of candidate corners for minimums and/or maximums.
    Indicates if local maximums are features or not.
    Indicates if local minimums are features or not.
    process(I image, D derivX, D derivY, D derivXX, D derivYY, D derivXY)
    Computes the corner's intensity.
  • Method Details

    • process

      void process(I image, @Nullable D derivX, @Nullable D derivY, @Nullable D derivXX, @Nullable D derivYY, @Nullable D derivXY)
      Computes the corner's intensity. Before computing the various image derivatives call getRequiresGradient() and getRequiresHessian() to see if they are needed.
      image - Original input image
      derivX - First derivative x-axis
      derivY - First derivative x-axis
      derivXX - Second derivative x-axis x-axis
      derivYY - Second derivative x-axis y-axis
      derivXY - Second derivative x-axis y-axis
    • getIntensity

      GrayF32 getIntensity()
      Returns an image containing an intensity mapping showing how corner like each pixel is. Unprocessed image borders will have a value of zero.
      Corner intensity image.
    • getCandidatesMin

      @Nullable @Nullable ListIntPoint2D getCandidatesMin()
      (Optional) Returns a list of candidate for local minimums.
      List of potential features. If not supported then null is returned.
    • getCandidatesMax

      @Nullable @Nullable ListIntPoint2D getCandidatesMax()
      (Optional) Returns a list of candidate for local maximums.
      List of potential features. If not supported then null is returned.
    • getRequiresGradient

      boolean getRequiresGradient()
      If the image gradient is required for calculations.
      true if the image gradient is required.
    • getRequiresHessian

      boolean getRequiresHessian()
      Is the image's second derivative required?
      is the hessian required.
    • hasCandidates

      boolean hasCandidates()
      If true there is a list of candidate corners for minimums and/or maximums.
    • getIgnoreBorder

      int getIgnoreBorder()
      Pixels within this distance from the image border are not processed.
      Size of unprocessed border around the image.
    • localMinimums

      boolean localMinimums()
      Indicates if local minimums are features or not.
      true for local minimum features.
    • localMaximums

      boolean localMaximums()
      Indicates if local maximums are features or not.
      true for local maximum features.
    • getImageType

      @Nullable @Nullable Class<I> getImageType()
      Input image type. Null if the input image isn't required.
    • getDerivType

      @Nullable @Nullable Class<D> getDerivType()
      Derivative image type. Null if the derivative image isn't required.