Interface ImageGradient<Input extends ImageBase<Input>,Output extends ImageBase<Output>>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ImageGradient_Gaussian, ImageGradient_PL, ImageGradient_SB, ImageGradient_SB.Prewitt, ImageGradient_SB.Scharr, ImageGradient_SB.Sobel, ImageGradient_SB.Three, ImageGradient_SB.Two0, ImageGradient_SB.Two1, ImageGradientThenReduce

public interface ImageGradient<Input extends ImageBase<Input>,Output extends ImageBase<Output>> extends ImageDerivative<Input,Output>
A generic interface for computing first order image derivative along the x and y axes.
  • Method Details

    • process

      void process(Input inputImage, Output derivX, Output derivY)
      Computes the image gradient from the input image and stores the results into 'derivX' and 'derivY'
      inputImage - Original input image. Not modified.
      derivX - First order image derivative along the x-axis. Modified.
      derivY - First order image derivative along the y-axis. Modified.
    • getInputType

      ImageType<Input> getInputType()
      Image type of input image