Interface ImageHessianDirect<Input extends ImageGray<Input>,Output extends ImageGray<Output>>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ImageHessianDirect_SB, ImageHessianDirect_SB.Sobel, ImageHessianDirect_SB.Three

public interface ImageHessianDirect<Input extends ImageGray<Input>,Output extends ImageGray<Output>> extends ImageDerivative<Input,Output>
A generic interface for computing image's second derivatives directly from the source image. This is typically slower than computing it from the image's gradient ImageHessian, even when the time to compute the image's gradient is taken in account.
  • Method Details

    • process

      void process(Input inputImage, Output derivXX, Output derivYY, Output derivXY)
      Computes all the second derivative terms in the image.
      inputImage - Original image.
      derivXX - Second derivative x-axis x-axis
      derivYY - Second derivative x-axis y-axis
      derivXY - Second derivative x-axis y-axis