Interface DetectMultiFiducialCalibration

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DetectMultiFiducialCalibration
Calibration targets which can detect multiple targets at once with unique IDs
  • Method Details

    • process

      void process(GrayF32 input)
      Image processing for calibration target detection
      input - Gray scale image containing calibration target
    • getDetectionCount

      int getDetectionCount()
      Returns the number of detected markers
    • getTotalUniqueMarkers

      int getTotalUniqueMarkers()
      Returns the number of unique markers that it can detect
    • getDetectedPoints

      CalibrationObservation getDetectedPoints(int detectionID)
      Returns the set of detected points from the most recent call to process(GrayF32). Each time this function is invoked a new instance of the list and points is returned. No data reuse here.
      detectionID - Which detection should it return the points for
      List of detected points in row major grid order.
    • getLayout

      List<Point2D_F64> getLayout(int markerID)
      Returns the layout of the calibration points on the target
      markerID - Which marker should it return the layout of
      List of calibration points
    • getLayouts

      default List<List<Point2D_F64>> getLayouts()
      Returns the layout for all markers as a list.
    • getBestForEachTarget

      default List<CalibrationObservation> getBestForEachTarget()
      Returns the observations with the most detected landmarks for each specific target
    • setLensDistortion

      void setLensDistortion(@Nullable @Nullable LensDistortionNarrowFOV distortion, int width, int height)
      Explicitly handles lens distortion when detecting image features. If used, features will be found in undistorted pixel coordinates