Class WrapP3PLineDistance

All Implemented Interfaces:
EstimateNofPnP, GeoModelEstimatorN<Se3_F64,Point2D3D>

public class WrapP3PLineDistance extends Object implements EstimateNofPnP
Converts solutions generated by P3PLineDistance into rigid body motions.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • process

      public boolean process(List<Point2D3D> inputs, DogArray<Se3_F64> solutions)
      Description copied from interface: GeoModelEstimatorN
      Estimates a set of models which fit the given a set of observations. A DogArray is used to store the found models. Each time this function is invoked 'estimatedModels' is reset and new models are requested using the DogArray.pop() function.
      Specified by:
      process in interface GeoModelEstimatorN<Se3_F64,Point2D3D>
      inputs - Input: Set of observations. Not modified.
      solutions - Output: Storage for the set of estimated models. Modified.
      true if successful
    • getMinimumPoints

      public int getMinimumPoints()
      Description copied from interface: GeoModelEstimatorN
      Minimum number of points required to estimate the model.
      Specified by:
      getMinimumPoints in interface GeoModelEstimatorN<Se3_F64,Point2D3D>
      Minimum number of points.