Uses of Class
Packages that use DisparitySparseRectifiedScoreBM_S32
Uses of DisparitySparseRectifiedScoreBM_S32 in boofcv.alg.disparity.block
Subclasses of DisparitySparseRectifiedScoreBM_S32 in boofcv.alg.disparity.blockModifier and TypeClassDescriptionstatic class
SparseScoreRectifiedCensus.Census<In extends ImageGray<In>,
Out extends ImageGray<Out>> Applies a census transform to the input image and creates a new transformed image patch for later processingstatic class
SparseScoreRectifiedCensus.S32<T extends GrayI<T>>
Computes census score for transformed images of type S32static class
SparseScoreRectifiedCensus.S64<T extends GrayI<T>>
Computes census score for transformed images of type S64static class
SparseScoreRectifiedCensus.U8<T extends GrayI<T>>
Computes census score for transformed images of type U8static class
static class
static class