Class LowLevelMultiViewOps


public class LowLevelMultiViewOps extends Object
Lists of operations used by various multi-view algorithms, but not of use to the typical user.
  • Constructor Details

    • LowLevelMultiViewOps

      public LowLevelMultiViewOps()
  • Method Details

    • computeNormalization

      public static void computeNormalization(List<Point2D_F64> points, NormalizationPoint2D normalize)

      Computes a transform which will normalize the points such that they have zero mean and a standard deviation of one

      Y. Ma, S. Soatto, J. Kosecka, and S. S. Sastry, "An Invitation to 3-D Vision" Springer-Verlad, 2004

      points - Input: List of observed points. Not modified.
      normalize - Output: 3x3 normalization matrix for first set of points. Modified.
    • computeNormalizationLL

      public static <In> void computeNormalizationLL(List<List<In>> points, BoofLambdas.ConvertOut<In,Point2D_F64> convert, NormalizationPoint2D normalize)
      Computes normalization when points are contained in a list of lists
      points - Input: List of observed points. Not modified.
      normalize - Output: 3x3 normalization matrix for first set of points. Modified.
    • computeNormalization

      public static void computeNormalization(List<AssociatedPair> points, NormalizationPoint2D N1, NormalizationPoint2D N2)

      Computes two normalization matrices for each set of point correspondences in the list of AssociatedPair. Same as computeNormalization(java.util.List, NormalizationPoint2D), but for two views.

      points - Input: List of observed points that are to be normalized. Not modified.
      N1 - Output: 3x3 normalization matrix for first set of points. Modified.
      N2 - Output: 3x3 normalization matrix for second set of points. Modified.
    • computeNormalization

      public static void computeNormalization(List<AssociatedTriple> points, NormalizationPoint2D N1, NormalizationPoint2D N2, NormalizationPoint2D N3)

      Computes three normalization matrices for each set of point correspondences in the list of AssociatedTriple. Same as computeNormalization(java.util.List, NormalizationPoint2D), but for three views.

      points - Input: List of observed points that are to be normalized. Not modified.
      N1 - Output: 3x3 normalization matrix for first set of points. Modified.
      N2 - Output: 3x3 normalization matrix for second set of points. Modified.
      N3 - Output: 3x3 normalization matrix for third set of points. Modified.
    • applyNormalization

      public static void applyNormalization(List<AssociatedPair> points, NormalizationPoint2D N1, NormalizationPoint2D N2, DMatrix1Row X1, DMatrixRMaj X2)