Class DisparityParameters


public class DisparityParameters extends Object
Describes the geometric meaning of values in a disparity image.
  • Field Details

    • disparityMin

      public int disparityMin
      The minimum possible disparity value
    • disparityRange

      public int disparityRange
      The number of possible disparity values
    • baseline

      public double baseline
      The baseline between the two views
    • pinhole

      public final CameraPinhole pinhole
      Rectified camera's intrinsic parameters
    • rotateToRectified

      public final DMatrixRMaj rotateToRectified
      Rotation from view to rectified synthetic view
  • Constructor Details

    • DisparityParameters

      public DisparityParameters()
    • DisparityParameters

      public DisparityParameters(int disparityMin, int disparityRange, double baseline, CameraPinhole pinhole)
  • Method Details

    • pixelToLeft3D

      public boolean pixelToLeft3D(double pixelX, double pixelY, double value, Point3D_F64 location)
      Give a pixel coordinate and raw disparity value, compute its 3D location. If the point is at infinity or the disparity value is illegal, then false is returned.
      pixelX - Pixel coordinate x-axis
      pixelY - Pixel coordinate y-axis
      value - Raw disparity value. DO NOT ADD MIN.
      location - (Output) Computed 3D coordinate
      true if successful
    • pixelToLeft4D

      public boolean pixelToLeft4D(double pixelX, double pixelY, double value, Point4D_F64 location)
      Give a pixel coordinate and raw disparity value, compute its homogenous location. This can handle points at infinity.
      pixelX - Pixel coordinate x-axis
      pixelY - Pixel coordinate y-axis
      value - Raw disparity value. DO NOT ADD MIN.
      location - (Output) Computed homogenous coordinate
      true if successful
    • reset

      public void reset()
      Resets fields to their initial values
    • setTo

      Makes 'this' a copy of 'src'.
      src - Set of disparity parameters.
    • checkValidity

      public void checkValidity()
      Checks if specified parameters are valid