Class ColorizeCloudFromImage<T extends ImageBase<T>>


public class ColorizeCloudFromImage<T extends ImageBase<T>> extends Object
Given a set of 3D points and the image they are from, extract the RGB value. Since only a single image is used there is the potential for more noise. However this is much simpler and faster.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ColorizeCloudFromImage

      public ColorizeCloudFromImage(LookUpColorRgb<T> colorLookup)
  • Method Details

    • process3

      public void process3(T image, List<Point3D_F64> cloud, int idx0, int idx1, Se3_F64 world_to_view, Point2Transform2_F64 norm_to_pixel, BoofLambdas.IndexRgbConsumer colorizer)
      Colorizes all the points in the specified range using the specified image.
      image - (Input) Which image is being considered
      cloud - (Input) The point cloud
      idx0 - (Input) The first point in the point cloud that's inside this image. Inclusive.
      idx1 - (Input) The last point in the point cloud that's inside this image. Exclusive.
      world_to_view - (Input) Transform from world (cloud) into this image/view.
      norm_to_pixel - (Input) Normalized image coordinates into pixel coordinates.
      colorizer - (Output) As the color of each point becomes known this function is invoked.
    • process3

      public void process3(T image, Iterator<PointIndex3D_F64> cloud, Se3_F64 world_to_view, Point2Transform2_F64 norm_to_pixel, BoofLambdas.IndexRgbConsumer colorizer)
    • process4

      public void process4(T image, List<Point4D_F64> cloud, int idx0, int idx1, Se3_F64 world_to_view, Point2Transform2_F64 norm_to_pixel, BoofLambdas.IndexRgbConsumer colorizer)
      Colorizes all the points in the specified range using the specified image.
      image - (Input) Which image is being considered
      cloud - (Input) The point cloud in homogenous coordinates
      idx0 - (Input) The first point in the point cloud that's inside this image. Inclusive.
      idx1 - (Input) The last point in the point cloud that's inside this image. Exclusive.
      world_to_view - (Input) Transform from world (cloud) into this image/view.
      norm_to_pixel - (Input) Normalized image coordinates into pixel coordinates.
      colorizer - (Output) As the color of each point becomes known this function is invoked.
    • process4

      public void process4(T image, Iterator<PointIndex4D_F64> cloud, Se3_F64 world_to_view, Point2Transform2_F64 norm_to_pixel, BoofLambdas.IndexRgbConsumer colorizer)