Class ExpandByOneView

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class ExpandByOneView extends Object implements VerbosePrint
Common parent for metric and projective expand scene by one. Mostly contains functions for selecting which of the known views it should use
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • selectTwoConnections

      public boolean selectTwoConnections(PairwiseImageGraph.View target, List<PairwiseImageGraph.Motion> connections)
      Selects two views which are connected to the target by maximizing a score function. The two selected views must have 3D information, be connected to each other, and have a known camera matrix. These three views will then be used to estimate a trifocal tensor
      target - (input) A view
      connections - (output) the two selected connected views to the target
      true if successful or false if it failed
    • setVerbose

      public void setVerbose(@Nullable @Nullable PrintStream out, @Nullable @Nullable Set<String> configuration)
      Specified by:
      setVerbose in interface VerbosePrint