Class PyramidOps


public class PyramidOps extends Object
Various operations related to image pyramids.
  • Constructor Details

    • PyramidOps

      public PyramidOps()
  • Method Details

    • declareOutput

      public static <O extends ImageGray<O>> O[] declareOutput(ImagePyramid<?> pyramid, ImageType<O> outputType)
      Creates an array of single band images for each layer in the provided pyramid. Each image will be the same size as the corresponding layer in the pyramid.
      Type Parameters:
      O - Output image type
      pyramid - (Input) Image pyramid
      outputType - (Input) Output image type
      An array of images
    • reshapeOutput

      public static <O extends ImageGray<O>> void reshapeOutput(ImagePyramid<?> pyramid, O[] output)
      Reshapes each image in the array to match the layers in the pyramid
      Type Parameters:
      O - Image type
      pyramid - (Input) Image pyramid
      output - (Output) List of images which is to be resized
    • filter

      public static <I extends ImageGray<I>, O extends ImageGray<O>> void filter(ImagePyramid<I> input, FilterImageInterface<I,O> filter, O[] output)

      Runs an image filter through each layer in the pyramid.

      It is assumed that the output has the same scales as the input. If not initialized then it will be initialized. If already initialized it is assumed to be setup for the same input image size.

      input - Input pyramid.
      filter - Filter being applied to the pyramid.
      output - Output pyramid where filter results are saved.
    • gradient

      public static <I extends ImageGray<I>, O extends ImageGray<O>> void gradient(ImagePyramid<I> input, ImageGradient<I,O> gradient, O[] derivX, O[] derivY)

      Computes the gradient for each image the pyramid.

      It is assumed that the gradient has the same scales as the input. If not initialized then it will be initialized. If already initialized it is assumed to be setup for the same input image size.

      input - Input pyramid.
      gradient - Computes image gradient
      derivX - Pyramid where x-derivative is stored.
      derivY - Pyramid where y-derivative is stored.
    • hessian

      public static <I extends ImageGray<I>, O extends ImageGray<O>> void hessian(O[] derivX, O[] derivY, ImageHessian<O> hessian, O[] derivXX, O[] derivYY, O[] derivXY)

      Computes the hessian (2nd order derivative) for each image the pyramid.

      derivX - (Input) Pyramid where x-derivative is stored.
      derivY - (Input) Pyramid where y-derivative is stored.
      hessian - (Input) Computes hessian from gradient
      derivXX - (Output) Second derivative XX
      derivYY - (Output) Second derivative YY
      derivXY - (Output) Second derivative XY
    • scaleDown2

      public static <T extends ImageGray<T>> void scaleDown2(T input, T output)
      Scales down the input by a factor of 2. Every other pixel along both axises is skipped.
    • scaleImageUp

      public static <T extends ImageGray<T>> void scaleImageUp(T input, T output, int scale, InterpolatePixelS<T> interp)
      Scales an image up using interpolation
      scale - How much larger the output image will be.