Class ImplPyramidOps


public class ImplPyramidOps extends Object

Image type specific implementations of functions in PyramidOps.

DO NOT MODIFY. This code was automatically generated by GenerateImplPyramidOps.

  • Constructor Details

    • ImplPyramidOps

      public ImplPyramidOps()
  • Method Details

    • scaleImageUp

      public static void scaleImageUp(GrayF32 input, GrayF32 output, int scale, InterpolatePixelS<GrayF32> interp)
      Scales an image up using interpolation
    • scaleDown2

      public static void scaleDown2(GrayF32 input, GrayF32 output)
      Scales down the input by a factor of 2. Every other pixel along both axises is skipped.
    • scaleImageUp

      public static void scaleImageUp(GrayU8 input, GrayU8 output, int scale, InterpolatePixelS<GrayU8> interp)
      Scales an image up using interpolation
    • scaleDown2

      public static void scaleDown2(GrayU8 input, GrayU8 output)
      Scales down the input by a factor of 2. Every other pixel along both axises is skipped.