Class FactoryDerivative


public class FactoryDerivative extends Object

Factory for creating different types of ImageGradient, which are used to compute the image's derivative.

  • Constructor Details

    • FactoryDerivative

      public FactoryDerivative()
  • Method Details

    • gradientReduce

      public static <I extends ImageMultiBand<I>, M extends ImageMultiBand<M>, D extends ImageGray<D>> ImageGradient<I,D> gradientReduce(ImageGradient<I,M> gradient, DerivativeReduceType type, Class<D> outputType)
      Computes the image gradient inside a multi-band image then reduces the output to a single band before returning the results
      Type Parameters:
      I - Input type
      M - Intermediate type
      D - Output type
      gradient - Computes the multi-band image gradient
      type - Specifies which method is to be used to reduce the output into single band image
      outputType - Type of output image
    • gradientSB

      public static <I extends ImageGray<I>, D extends ImageGray<D>> ImageGradient<I,D> gradientSB(DerivativeType type, Class<I> inputType, @Nullable @Nullable Class<D> derivType)
      Returns the gradient filter for single band images of the specified type. The border will be handled using the approach specified by BoofDefaults.DERIV_BORDER_TYPE
      Type Parameters:
      I - Input image
      D - Derivative image
      type - Type of gradient
      inputType - Type of input image
      derivType - Type of gradient image. null for default
      gradient filter
    • gradientPL

      public static <I extends ImageGray<I>, D extends ImageGray<D>> ImageGradient<Planar<I>,Planar<D>> gradientPL(DerivativeType type, int numBands, Class<I> inputType, @Nullable @Nullable Class<D> derivType)
      Returns the gradient filter for planar images of the specified type. The border will be handled using the approach specified by BoofDefaults.DERIV_BORDER_TYPE
      Type Parameters:
      I - Image type
      D - Derivative type
      type - Which gradient to compute
      numBands - Number of bands in the image
      inputType - Type of data on input
      derivType - Type of data on output (null for default)
      the filter
    • gradient

      public static <I extends ImageBase<I>, D extends ImageBase<D>> ImageGradient<I,D> gradient(DerivativeType type, ImageType<I> inputType, @Nullable @Nullable ImageType<D> derivType)
      Creates a ImageGradient for an arbitrary image type. The border will be handled using the approach specified by BoofDefaults.DERIV_BORDER_TYPE
      Type Parameters:
      I - Image type
      D - Derivative type
      type - Which gradient to compute
      inputType - Type of data on input
      derivType - Type of data on output (null for default)
    • prewitt

      public static <I extends ImageGray<I>, D extends ImageGray<D>> ImageGradient<I,D> prewitt(Class<I> inputType, @Nullable @Nullable Class<D> derivType)
    • sobel

      public static <I extends ImageGray<I>, D extends ImageGray<D>> ImageGradient<I,D> sobel(Class<I> inputType, @Nullable @Nullable Class<D> derivType)
    • scharr

      public static <I extends ImageGray<I>, D extends ImageGray<D>> ImageGradient<I,D> scharr(Class<I> inputType, @Nullable @Nullable Class<D> derivType)
    • three

      public static <I extends ImageGray<I>, D extends ImageGray<D>> ImageGradient<I,D> three(Class<I> inputType, @Nullable @Nullable Class<D> derivType)
    • two0

      public static <I extends ImageGray<I>, D extends ImageGray<D>> ImageGradient<I,D> two0(Class<I> inputType, @Nullable @Nullable Class<D> derivType)
    • two1

      public static <I extends ImageGray<I>, D extends ImageGray<D>> ImageGradient<I,D> two1(Class<I> inputType, @Nullable @Nullable Class<D> derivType)
    • hessianDirectThree

      public static <I extends ImageGray<I>, D extends ImageGray<D>> ImageHessianDirect<I,D> hessianDirectThree(Class<I> inputType, @Nullable @Nullable Class<D> derivType)
    • hessian

      public static <D extends ImageGray<D>> ImageHessian<D> hessian(Class<?> gradientType, @Nullable @Nullable Class<D> derivType)
    • gaussian

      public static <I extends ImageGray<I>, D extends ImageGray<D>> ImageGradient<I,D> gaussian(double sigma, int radius, Class<I> inputType, @Nullable @Nullable Class<D> derivType)
    • hessianSobel

      public static <D extends ImageGray<D>> ImageHessian<D> hessianSobel(Class<D> derivType)
    • hessianPrewitt

      public static <D extends ImageGray<D>> ImageHessian<D> hessianPrewitt(Class<D> derivType)
    • hessianThree

      public static <D extends ImageGray<D>> ImageHessian<D> hessianThree(Class<D> derivType)