Class FactoryTrackerObjectQuad


public class FactoryTrackerObjectQuad extends Object
Factory for implementations of TrackerObjectQuad, a high level interface for tracking user specified objects inside video sequences. As usual, the high level interface makes it easier to use these algorithms at the expensive of algorithm specific features.
  • Constructor Details

    • FactoryTrackerObjectQuad

      public FactoryTrackerObjectQuad()
  • Method Details

    • tld

      public static <T extends ImageGray<T>, D extends ImageGray<D>> TrackerObjectQuad<T> tld(ConfigTrackerTld config, Class<T> imageType)
      Create an instance of Tracking-Learning-Detection (TLD) tracker for the TrackerObjectQuad interface.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Image input type
      D - Image derivative type
      config - Configuration for the tracker
    • sparseFlow

      public static <T extends ImageGray<T>, D extends ImageGray<D>> TrackerObjectQuad<T> sparseFlow(@Nullable @Nullable ConfigSfot config, Class<T> imageType, @Nullable @Nullable Class<D> derivType)
      Create an instance of Sparse Flow Object Tracker for the TrackerObjectQuad interface.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Image input type
      D - Image derivative type. Null for default.
      config - Configuration for the tracker, Null for default.
    • meanShiftLikelihood

      public static <T extends ImageBase<T>> TrackerObjectQuad<T> meanShiftLikelihood(int maxIterations, int numBins, double maxPixelValue, MeanShiftLikelihoodType modelType, ImageType<T> imageType)
      Very basic and very fast implementation of mean-shift which uses a fixed sized rectangle for its region. Works best when the target is composed of a single color.
      maxIterations - Maximum number of mean-shift iterations. Try 30.
      numBins - Number of bins in the histogram color model. Try 5.
      maxPixelValue - Maximum number of pixel values. For 8-bit images this will be 256
      modelType - Type of color model used.
      imageType - Type of image
      TrackerObjectQuad based on TrackerMeanShiftLikelihood.
      See Also:
    • meanShiftComaniciu2003

      public static <T extends ImageBase<T>> TrackerObjectQuad<T> meanShiftComaniciu2003(ConfigComaniciu2003 config, ImageType<T> imageType)
      Implementation of mean-shift which matches the histogram and can handle targets composed of multiple colors. The tracker can also be configured to estimate gradual changes in scale. The track region is composed of a rotated rectangle.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Image type
      config - Tracker configuration
      TrackerObjectQuad based on Comaniciu2003
      See Also:
    • circulant

      public static <T extends ImageGray<T>> TrackerObjectQuad<T> circulant(ConfigCirculantTracker config, Class<T> imageType)
      Creates the Circulant feature tracker. Texture based tracker which uses the theory of circulant matrices, Discrete Fourier Transform (DCF), and linear classifiers to track a target. Fixed sized rectangular target and only estimates translation. Can't detect when it loses track or re-aquire track.
      config - Configuration
      See Also: