Class SparseFlowObjectTracker<Image extends ImageGray<Image>,Derivative extends ImageGray<Derivative>>


public class SparseFlowObjectTracker<Image extends ImageGray<Image>,Derivative extends ImageGray<Derivative>> extends Object
Uses a pyramidal KLT tracker to track features inside the user selected region. The motion of the region is found robustly using LeastMedianOfSquares and a translation + rotation model. Drift is a problem since motion is estimated relative to the previous frame and it will eventually drift away from the original target. When it works well it is very smooth and can handle partially obscured objects. Can't recover after the target has been lost. Runs very fast.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • init

      public void init(Image input, RectangleRotate_F64 region)
    • update

      public boolean update(Image input, RectangleRotate_F64 output)
      Given the input image compute the new location of the target region and store the results in output.
      input - next image in the sequence.
      output - Storage for the output.
      true if tracking is successful
    • isTrackLost

      public boolean isTrackLost()
    • getConfig

      public ConfigSfot getConfig()