Class WrapFPtoInterestPoint<T extends ImageGray<T>,D extends ImageGray<D>>

All Implemented Interfaces:
FeatureSets, FoundPointSO, InterestPointDetector<T>

public class WrapFPtoInterestPoint<T extends ImageGray<T>,D extends ImageGray<D>> extends Object implements InterestPointDetector<T>
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • detect

      public void detect(T input)
      Description copied from interface: InterestPointDetector
      Detects interest points inside the provided image.
      Specified by:
      detect in interface InterestPointDetector<T extends ImageGray<T>>
      input - Input features are detected inside of.
    • getNumberOfSets

      public int getNumberOfSets()
      Description copied from interface: FeatureSets
      The number of feature sets.
      Specified by:
      getNumberOfSets in interface FeatureSets
      number of feature sets
    • getSet

      public int getSet(int index)
      Description copied from interface: FeatureSets
      Returns the set that a feature belongs in
      Specified by:
      getSet in interface FeatureSets
      index - Which feature
    • getNumberOfFeatures

      public int getNumberOfFeatures()
      Description copied from interface: FoundPointSO
      Returns the number of interest points found.
      Specified by:
      getNumberOfFeatures in interface FoundPointSO
      Number of interest points.
    • getLocation

      public Point2D_F64 getLocation(int featureIndex)
      Description copied from interface: FoundPointSO

      The center location of the feature inside the image.

      WARNING: Do not save the returned reference, copy instead. The returned point can be recycled each time this function is called.

      Specified by:
      getLocation in interface FoundPointSO
      featureIndex - The feature's index.
      Location of the feature in image pixels.
    • getRadius

      public double getRadius(int featureIndex)
      Description copied from interface: FoundPointSO

      Returns the detected object's circular radius

      Specified by:
      getRadius in interface FoundPointSO
      featureIndex - Feature whose radius is being requested.
      Object's radius
    • getOrientation

      public double getOrientation(int featureIndex)
      Description copied from interface: FoundPointSO
      Returns the features found orientation.
      Specified by:
      getOrientation in interface FoundPointSO
      featureIndex - Feature whose
      Orientation in radians.
    • hasScale

      public boolean hasScale()
      Description copied from interface: InterestPointDetector
      Does the interest point detector have scale information. This made available through the radius.
      Specified by:
      hasScale in interface InterestPointDetector<T extends ImageGray<T>>
      true if it has scale information and false otherwise
    • hasOrientation

      public boolean hasOrientation()
      Description copied from interface: InterestPointDetector
      If the interest point detector estimates the feature's orientation
      Specified by:
      hasOrientation in interface InterestPointDetector<T extends ImageGray<T>>
      true if it estimates the orientation
    • getInputType

      public ImageType<T> getInputType()
      Description copied from interface: InterestPointDetector
      Get the expected input image type
      Specified by:
      getInputType in interface InterestPointDetector<T extends ImageGray<T>>