Interface MicroQrCodeDetector<T extends ImageGray<T>>

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface MicroQrCodeDetector<T extends ImageGray<T>>
High level interface for reading Micro QR Codes from gray scale images
  • Method Details

    • process

      void process(T image)
      Processes the image and searches for fiducials
      image - The image being processed
    • getDetections

      List<MicroQrCode> getDetections()
      List of detected fiducials
      List of detected QR-Codes. WARNING: Data might be recycled on next call to process(T)
    • getFailures

      List<MicroQrCode> getFailures()
      List of likely fiducials that were rejected.
      List of rejected candidate QR-Codes. WARNING: Data might be recycled on next call to process(T)
    • getImageType

      Class<T> getImageType()
      Type of image it can process
      input image type