Interface RefineThreeViewProjective

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface RefineThreeViewProjective
Refines the camera matrices from three views. This is the same as refining the trifocal tensor.
  • Method Details

    • process

      boolean process(List<AssociatedTriple> observations, DMatrixRMaj P2, DMatrixRMaj P3, DMatrixRMaj refinedP2, DMatrixRMaj refinedP3)
      Refines the camera matrices from three views. The first view is assumed to be P1 = [I|0]. It's recommended that observations already be normalized so that they have a mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1, or similar.
      observations - (Input) Pixel observations from each view
      P2 - (Input) Initial estimate camera matrix from view 2
      P3 - (Input) Initial estimate camera matrix from view 3
      refinedP2 - (Output) Refined estimate of camera matrix from view 2
      refinedP3 - (Output) Refined estimate of camera matrix from view 3
      true if successful or false if it failed