Class SceneObservations


public class SceneObservations extends Object
Storage for feature observation in each view. Input for bundle adjustment. When possible arrays are used to reduce memory requirements.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SceneObservations

      public SceneObservations()
  • Method Details

    • initialize

      public void initialize(int numViews)
      Initialize the data structures for this number of views. Rigid is set to be false.
      numViews - Number of views
    • initialize

      public void initialize(int numViews, boolean rigidObjects)
      Initialize the data structures for this number of views
      numViews - Number of views
      rigidObjects - If true then there are rigid objects that can be observed
    • getObservationCount

      public int getObservationCount()
      Returns the total number of observations across all views. general and rigid points
      number of observations
    • hasRigid

      public boolean hasRigid()
      True if there are rigid views
    • getView

      public SceneObservations.View getView(int which)
    • getViewRigid

      public SceneObservations.View getViewRigid(int viewIndex)
      Returns the rigid object specific view for the view with the specified index.
    • checkOneObservationPerView

      public void checkOneObservationPerView()
      Makes sure that each feature is only observed in each view
    • isIdentical

      public boolean isIdentical(SceneObservations other)
      Returns true of the two observations contain the same values