Class AssociateGreedyBruteForce2D<D>

public class AssociateGreedyBruteForce2D<D> extends AssociateGreedyBase2D<D>
Greedily assigns two features to each other based on their scores while pruning features based on their distance apart. it is a brute force algorithm since the distance between all possible pairs of source and destination and checked to see if they are too far apart. Distance is computed using the provided distance function. Examples of distance include Euclidean and Epipolar.
  • Constructor Details

    • AssociateGreedyBruteForce2D

      public AssociateGreedyBruteForce2D(ScoreAssociation<D> scoreAssociation, AssociateImageDistanceFunction distanceFunction)
      Specifies score mechanism
      scoreAssociation - How features are scored.
  • Method Details

    • associate

      public void associate()
      Performs association by computing a 2D score matrix. First the score matrix is computed while finding the best fit relative to the source. Then additional sanity checks are done to see if it's a valid match/
      Specified by:
      associate in class AssociateGreedyBase2D<D>