Uses of Class
Packages that use TldTracker
Uses of TldTracker in boofcv.abst.tracker
Methods in boofcv.abst.tracker that return TldTrackerConstructors in boofcv.abst.tracker with parameters of type TldTrackerModifierConstructorDescriptionTld_to_TrackerObjectQuad
(TldTracker<T, D> tracker, Class<T> imageType) -
Uses of TldTracker in boofcv.factory.tracker
Methods in boofcv.factory.tracker that return TldTrackerModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T extends ImageGray<T>,
D extends ImageGray<D>>
TldTracker<T,D> FactoryTrackerObjectAlgs.createTLD
(ConfigTld config, InterpolatePixelS<T> interpolate, ImageGradient<T, D> gradient, Class<T> imageType, Class<D> derivType) -
Uses of TldTracker in boofcv.gui.tracker
Methods in boofcv.gui.tracker with parameters of type TldTrackerModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(TldTracker tracker, boolean hasSelected)