Uses of Class
Uses of PyramidDiscrete in boofcv.abst.tracker
(ConfigKlt config, double toleranceFB, int templateRadius, boolean performPruneClose, PyramidDiscrete<I> pyramid, GeneralFeatureDetector<I, D> detector, ImageGradient<I, D> gradient, InterpolateRectangle<I> interpInput, InterpolateRectangle<D> interpDeriv, Class<D> derivType) Constructor which specified the KLT track manager and how the image pyramids are computed.PointTrackerKltPyramid_MT
(ConfigKlt config, double toleranceFB, int templateRadius, boolean performPruneClose, PyramidDiscrete<I> pyramid, GeneralFeatureDetector<I, D> detector, ImageGradient<I, D> gradient, InterpolateRectangle<I> interpInput, InterpolateRectangle<D> interpDeriv, Class<D> derivType) -
Uses of PyramidDiscrete in boofcv.alg.tracker.hybrid
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PyramidDiscrete<I> pyramid, D[] derivX, D[] derivY) Updates the location and description of tracks using KLT. -
Uses of PyramidDiscrete in boofcv.alg.tracker.tld
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(PyramidDiscrete<I> image) Declares internal data structures based on the input image pyramidvoid
(PyramidDiscrete<I> image) Call for the first image being tracked -
Uses of PyramidDiscrete in boofcv.alg.transform.pyramid
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
PyramidDiscreteAverage<T extends ImageBase<T>>
Creates an image pyramid by down sampling square regions usingAverageDownSampleOps
PyramidDiscreteSampleBlur<T extends ImageBase<T>>
Convolves a re-normalizable blur kernel across the image before down sampling. -
Uses of PyramidDiscrete in boofcv.factory.transform.pyramid
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T extends ImageBase<T>>
(ConfigDiscreteLevels configLevels, double sigma, int radius, boolean saveOriginalReference, ImageType<T> imageType) Creates an updater for discrete pyramids where a Gaussian is convolved across the input prior to sub-sampling. -
Uses of PyramidDiscrete in boofcv.gui.image
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PyramidDiscrete<T> pyramid) -
Uses of PyramidDiscrete in boofcv.struct.pyramid