Class AssociateStereo2D<Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Associate<Desc>, AssociateDescription2D<Desc>

public class AssociateStereo2D<Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>> extends StereoConsistencyCheck implements AssociateDescription2D<Desc>
Association for a stereo pair where the source is the left camera and the destination is the right camera. Pixel coordinates are rectified and associations are only considered if the two observations are within tolerance of each other along the y-axis and that the left observation's x-coordinate is greater than the right.
  • Constructor Details

    • AssociateStereo2D

      public AssociateStereo2D(ScoreAssociation<Desc> scorer, double locationTolerance)
  • Method Details

    • initialize

      public void initialize(int imageWidth, int imageHeight)
      Description copied from interface: AssociateDescription2D
      Initialize by specifying the image width/height. Used to precompute internal data structures and set thresholds. If images are different sizes just use the largest width/height
      Specified by:
      initialize in interface AssociateDescription2D<Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>>
      imageWidth - Input image width
      imageHeight - Input image height
    • setSource

      public void setSource(FastAccess<Point2D_F64> location, FastAccess<Desc> descriptions)
      Converts location into rectified coordinates and saved a reference to the description.
      Specified by:
      setSource in interface AssociateDescription2D<Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>>
      location - Feature locations.
      descriptions - Feature descriptions.
    • setDestination

      public void setDestination(FastAccess<Point2D_F64> location, FastAccess<Desc> descriptions)
      Converts location into rectified coordinates and saved a reference to the description.
      Specified by:
      setDestination in interface AssociateDescription2D<Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>>
      location - Feature locations.
      descriptions - Feature descriptions.
    • getDescriptionType

      public Class<Desc> getDescriptionType()
      Description copied from interface: Associate
      Returns the type of object it can associate
      Specified by:
      getDescriptionType in interface Associate<Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>>
    • associate

      public void associate()
      Description copied from interface: Associate
      Finds the best match for each item in the source list with an item in the destination list.
      Specified by:
      associate in interface Associate<Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>>
    • getMatches

      public DogArray<AssociatedIndex> getMatches()
      Description copied from interface: Associate
      List of associated features. Indexes refer to the index inside the input lists.
      Specified by:
      getMatches in interface Associate<Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>>
      List of associated features.
    • getUnassociatedSource

      public DogArray_I32 getUnassociatedSource()
      Description copied from interface: Associate
      Indexes of features in the source set which are not associated. WARNING: In some implementations the unassociated list is recomputed each time this function is invoked. In other implementations it was found virtually for free while the matches are found.
      Specified by:
      getUnassociatedSource in interface Associate<Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>>
      List of unassociated source features by index.
    • getUnassociatedDestination

      public DogArray_I32 getUnassociatedDestination()
      Description copied from interface: Associate
      Indexes of features in the destination set which are not associated. WARNING: In some implementations the unassociated list is recomputed each time this function is invoked. In other implementations it was found virtually for free while the matches are found.
      Specified by:
      getUnassociatedDestination in interface Associate<Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>>
      List of unassociated destination features by index.
    • setMaxScoreThreshold

      public void setMaxScoreThreshold(double score)
      Description copied from interface: Associate
      Associations are only considered if their score is less than or equal to the specified threshold. To remove any threshold test set this value to Double.MAX_VALUE
      Specified by:
      setMaxScoreThreshold in interface Associate<Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>>
      score - The threshold.
    • getScoreType

      public MatchScoreType getScoreType()
      Description copied from interface: Associate
      Specifies the type of score which is returned.
      Specified by:
      getScoreType in interface Associate<Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>>
      Type of association score.
    • uniqueSource

      public boolean uniqueSource()
      Description copied from interface: Associate
      If at most one match is returned for each source feature.
      Specified by:
      uniqueSource in interface Associate<Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>>
      true for unique source association
    • uniqueDestination

      public boolean uniqueDestination()
      Description copied from interface: Associate
      If at most one match is returned for each destination feature.
      Specified by:
      uniqueDestination in interface Associate<Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>>
      true for unique destination association