Class MicroQrCodeDetectorPnP<T extends ImageGray<T>>

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MicroQrCodeDetectorPnP<T extends ImageGray<T>> extends FiducialDetectorPnP<T>
Wrapper around MicroQrCodeDetector which allows the 3D pose of a Micro QR Code to be detected using FiducialDetectorPnP. The marker width defaults to 1. If all your qr codes have a width of one and it's up to the user to multiply the translation vector by the actual width. The 3D coordinate system of a Micro QR Code is shown below. +x right, +y up, and +z up.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setLensDistortion

      public void setLensDistortion(@Nullable @Nullable LensDistortionNarrowFOV distortion, int width, int height)
      Description copied from interface: FiducialDetector
      Specifies how to remove lens distortion from the input image and how to convert pixels into normalized image coordinates.
      Specified by:
      setLensDistortion in interface FiducialDetector<T extends ImageGray<T>>
      setLensDistortion in class FiducialDetectorPnP<T extends ImageGray<T>>
      distortion - Lens distortion model. null if you want to remove a lens distortion model that had previously been set.
      width - Input image's width.
      height - Input image's height
    • getSideWidth

      public double getSideWidth(int which)
      Description copied from class: FiducialDetectorPnP
      Width of the fiducial. used to compute stability
      Specified by:
      getSideWidth in class FiducialDetectorPnP<T extends ImageGray<T>>
      which - specifies which fiducial
      the width
    • getSideHeight

      public double getSideHeight(int which)
      Description copied from class: FiducialDetectorPnP
      Height of the fiducial. used to compute stability
      Specified by:
      getSideHeight in class FiducialDetectorPnP<T extends ImageGray<T>>
      which - specifies which fiducial
      the height
    • getFiducialToCamera

      public boolean getFiducialToCamera(int which, Se3_F64 fiducialToCamera)
      Description copied from interface: FiducialDetector
      Used to retrieve the transformation from the fiducial's reference frame to the camera's reference frame.
      Specified by:
      getFiducialToCamera in interface FiducialDetector<T extends ImageGray<T>>
      getFiducialToCamera in class FiducialDetectorPnP<T extends ImageGray<T>>
      which - Fiducial's index
      fiducialToCamera - (output) Storage for the transform. modified.
      true if could estimate the location or false if it couldn't
    • getDetectedControl

      public List<PointIndex2D_F64> getDetectedControl(int which)
      Description copied from class: FiducialDetectorPnP
      Returns a list of detected control points in the image for the specified fiducial. Observations will be in distorted image pixels.
      Specified by:
      getDetectedControl in class FiducialDetectorPnP<T extends ImageGray<T>>
    • getControl3D

      protected List<Point2D3D> getControl3D(int which)
      Description copied from class: FiducialDetectorPnP
      3D location of control points in the fiducial reference frame
      Specified by:
      getControl3D in class FiducialDetectorPnP<T extends ImageGray<T>>
      3D location of control points
    • detect

      public void detect(T input)
      Description copied from interface: FiducialDetector
      Detects fiducials inside the image. Each call to this function only depends upon the input image. The previous calls do not affect it's outcome.
      input - Input image. Not modified.
    • totalFound

      public int totalFound()
      Description copied from interface: FiducialDetector
      The total number of fiducial found
      number of targets found
    • getCenter

      public void getCenter(int which, Point2D_F64 location)
      Description copied from interface: FiducialDetector
      Returns where in the image the fiducial is. Typically this will be the fiducial's visual center. Note that the visual center is unlikely to be the projection of the 3D geometric center. To find the former you need to reproject it using the found fiducialToCamera.

      NOTE: The reprojected center might not be the same as the location returned here.

      which - Fiducial's index
      location - (output) Storage for the transform. modified.
    • getBounds

      public Polygon2D_F64 getBounds(int which, @Nullable @Nullable Polygon2D_F64 storage)
      Description copied from interface: FiducialDetector
      Used to retrieve the bounds around a marker in the image. How the bounds are defined is left up the implementation. It could be a simple rectangle or it could be corner features.
      which - Which fiducial.
      storage - (Optional) Storage for fiducials.
      Found marker. Points are owned by the caller and will not be modified in the future.
    • getId

      public long getId(int which)
      Description copied from interface: FiducialDetector
      If applicable, returns the ID of the fiducial found. Call FiducialDetector.hasID() to see if this function returns a valid value.
      which - Detected fiducial's index
      ID of the fiducial
    • getMessage

      public String getMessage(int which)
      Description copied from interface: FiducialDetector
      If applicable, returns a message associated with the fiducial. Call FiducialDetector.hasMessage() ()} to see if this function returns a valid value.
      which - Detected fiducial's index
      Encoded message
    • getWidth

      public double getWidth(int which)
      Description copied from interface: FiducialDetector
      Returns the width of the fiducial in world units. If not square then it returns a reasonable approximation. Intended for use in visualization and not precise calculations.
      which - Fiducial's index
      Fiducial's width.
    • setMarkerWidth

      public void setMarkerWidth(double markerWidth)
    • hasID

      public boolean hasID()
      Description copied from interface: FiducialDetector
      If true then FiducialDetector.getId(int) returns a valid unique number
    • hasMessage

      public boolean hasMessage()
      Description copied from interface: FiducialDetector
      If true then FiducialDetector.getMessage(int) returns a valid message
    • getInputType

      public ImageType<T> getInputType()
      Description copied from interface: FiducialDetector
      Type of input image