Interface DenoiseWavelet<T extends ImageGray<T>>

All Known Implementing Classes:
DenoiseBayesShrink_F32, DenoiseSureShrink_F32, DenoiseVisuShrink_F32, SubbandShrink

public interface DenoiseWavelet<T extends ImageGray<T>>
Interface for algorithms which "denoise" the wavelet transform of an image. Typically this is done by setting insignificant coefficients to zero.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    denoise(T transform, int numLevels)
    Removes noise from the multi-level wavelet transform.
  • Method Details

    • denoise

      void denoise(T transform, int numLevels)
      Removes noise from the multi-level wavelet transform.
      transform - Transform of the original image.
      numLevels - NUmber of levels in the transform.