Uses of Interface
Packages that use SgmDisparityCost
Uses of SgmDisparityCost in boofcv.alg.disparity.sgm
Fields in boofcv.alg.disparity.sgm declared as SgmDisparityCostConstructors in boofcv.alg.disparity.sgm with parameters of type SgmDisparityCostModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(SgmDisparityCost<C> sgmCost, SgmDisparitySelector selector) SgmStereoDisparityCensus
(FilterImageInterface<T, C> censusTran, SgmDisparityCost<C> sgmCost, SgmDisparitySelector selector) SgmStereoDisparityError
(SgmDisparityCost<T> sgmCost, SgmDisparitySelector selector) -
Uses of SgmDisparityCost in boofcv.alg.disparity.sgm.cost
Classes in boofcv.alg.disparity.sgm.cost that implement SgmDisparityCostModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
SgmCostAbsoluteDifference<T extends ImageBase<T>>
Computes the cost as the absolute value between two pixels, i.e.static class
SgmCostBase<T extends ImageBase<T>>
Base class for computing SGM cost using single pixel error metrics.class
SgmCostFromBlocks<T extends ImageBase<T>>
Computes the error for SGM usingblock matching
SgmCostHamming<T extends ImageBase<T>>
Computes the cost as the hamming distance between two pixels.static class
static class
static class
Computes the cost using Mutual Information as described in [1].