Class MultiViewOps
Contains commonly used operations used in 2-view and 3-view perspective geometry.
LINES: lines on the image place are represented in homogeneous or generic form as a 3D vector. If a point in homogeneous coordinates is on a line and the dot product is computed the result will be zero.
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic boolean
Decomposes the absolute quadratic to extract the rectifying homogrpahy H.static void
(DMatrixRMaj K, Point3D_F64 planeAtInfinity, DMatrixRMaj H) Constructs a canonical rectifying homography from its components, 3x3 intrinsic matrix K and p the plane at infinity.static double
IF a homography is compatible with a fundamental matrix then norm(H'*F + F'*H) = 0.static DMatrixRMaj
(TrifocalTensor tensor, Point2D_F64 p1, Point2D_F64 p2, Point2D_F64 p3, DMatrixRMaj ret) Trifocal tensor with point-point-point correspondence:
[p2]x(sum p1i*Ti)[p3]x = 0static Vector3D_F64
(TrifocalTensor tensor, Point2D_F64 p1, Point2D_F64 p2, Vector3D_F64 l3, Vector3D_F64 ret) Trifocal tensor with point-point-line correspondence:
[p2]x(sum p1i*Ti)*l3 = 0static Vector3D_F64
(TrifocalTensor tensor, Point2D_F64 p1, Vector3D_F64 l2, Point2D_F64 p3, Vector3D_F64 ret) Trifocal tensor with point-line-point correspondence:
(l2T(sum p1i*Ti)[p3]x = 0static double
(TrifocalTensor tensor, Point2D_F64 p1, Vector3D_F64 l2, Vector3D_F64 l3) Trifocal tensor with point-line-line correspondence:
(l2T*(sum p1i*Ti)*l3 = 0static Vector3D_F64
(TrifocalTensor tensor, Vector3D_F64 l1, Vector3D_F64 l2, Vector3D_F64 l3, @Nullable Vector3D_F64 ret) Trifocal tensor with line-line-line correspondence:
(l2T*[T1,T2,T3]*L2)*[l1]x = 0static double
(DMatrixRMaj F, Point2D_F64 p1, Point2D_F64 p2) Applies the epipolar relationship constraint to an essential or fundamental matrix:
0 = p2T*F*p1
Input points are in normalized image coordinates for an essential matrix and pixels for fundamental.static Point2D_F64
(DMatrixRMaj H, Point2D_F64 p1, Point2D_F64 outputP2) Applies the homography constraints to two points:
z*p2 = H*p1
where z is a scale factor and (p1,p2) are point observations.static void
(List<AssociatedTriple> src, int idx0, int idx1, DogArray<AssociatedPair> dst) static void
(List<AssociatedTriple> src, DogArray<AssociatedTuple> dst) static void
(List<AssociatedTuple> src, int idx0, int idx1, DogArray<AssociatedPair> dst) static DMatrixRMaj
(DMatrixRMaj R, Vector3D_F64 T, @Nullable DMatrixRMaj E) Computes an essential matrix from a rotation and translation.static DMatrixRMaj
(DMatrixRMaj E, CameraPinhole intrinsic) Computes a Fundamental matrix given an Essential matrix and the camera's intrinsic parameters.static DMatrixRMaj
(DMatrixRMaj R, Vector3D_F64 T, DMatrixRMaj K1, DMatrixRMaj K2, @Nullable DMatrixRMaj F) Computes an fudamental matrix from a rotation, translation, and calibration matrix.static DMatrixRMaj
Computes a Fundamental matrix given an Essential matrix and the camera calibration matrix.static DMatrixRMaj
(DMatrixRMaj E, DMatrixRMaj K1, DMatrixRMaj K2) Computes a Fundamental matrix given an Essential matrix and the camera calibration matrix.static DMatrixRMaj
(DMatrixRMaj R, Vector3D_F64 T, double d, Vector3D_F64 N) Computes a homography matrix from a rotation, translation, plane normal and plane distance:
x[2] = H*x[1]
where x[1] is the point on the first camera and x[2] the location in the second camera.
H = R+(1/d)*T*NT
Where [R,T] is the transform from camera 1 to camera 2.static DMatrixRMaj
(DMatrixRMaj R, Vector3D_F64 T, double d, Vector3D_F64 N, DMatrixRMaj K) Computes a homography matrix from a rotation, translation, plane normal, plane distance, and calibration matrix:
x[2] = H*x[1]
where x[1] is the point on the first camera and x[2] the location in the second camera.
H = K*(R+(1/d)*T*NT)*K-1
Where [R,T] is the transform from camera 1 to camera, and K is the calibration matrix for both cameras.static DMatrixRMaj
(DMatrixRMaj K, double v1, double v2, double v3, double lambda, @Nullable DMatrixRMaj H) Given the calibration matrix for the first view, plane at infinity, and lambda (scaling factor) compute the rectifying homography for changing a projective camera matrix into a metric one.static TrifocalTensor
(Se3_F64 P2, Se3_F64 P3, @Nullable TrifocalTensor ret) Creates a trifocal tensor from two rigid body motions.static TrifocalTensor
(DMatrixRMaj P2, DMatrixRMaj P3, @Nullable TrifocalTensor ret) Creates a trifocal tensor from two camera matrices.static TrifocalTensor
(DMatrixRMaj P1, DMatrixRMaj P2, DMatrixRMaj P3, @Nullable TrifocalTensor ret) Creates a trifocal tensor from three camera matrices.static boolean
Decomposes the absolute dual quadratic into the following submatrices: Q=[w -w*p;-p'*w p'*w*p]static void
(double w11, double w12, double w13, double w22, double w23, double w33, CameraPinhole intrinsic) Extracts the camera calibration matrix on the dual image of the absolute conic (DIAC).static void
(DMatrixRMaj w, CameraPinhole intrinsic) Extracts the camera calibration matrix on the dual image of the absolute conic (DIAC).Decomposes an essential matrix into the rigid body motion which it was constructed from.static List<Tuple2<Se3_F64,
Vector3D_F64>> Decomposes a homography matrix that's in Euclidean space (computed from features in normalized image coordinates).static boolean
(DMatrixRMaj cameraMatrix, DMatrixRMaj K, Se3_F64 worldToView) Decomposes a metric camera matrix P=K*[R|T], where A is an upper triangular camera calibration matrix, R is a rotation matrix, and T is a translation vector.static double
(double disparity, double focalLength, double baseline) Applies stereo disparity equation to compute the distance of an object.static boolean
(DMatrix4x4 Q, boolean zeroCenter, boolean zeroSkew) If the solution to the absolute quadratic was computed using a linear methods it will not exactly have the required structure.static boolean
(DMatrix4x4 Q, boolean zeroCenter, boolean zeroSkew, @Nullable DecomposeAbsoluteDualQuadratic alg) static void
(List<AssociatedPair> observations, DMatrixRMaj H, @Nullable DMatrixRMaj H_inv, DogArray_F64 storage) Computes symmetric Euclidean error for each observation and puts it into the storage.static void
(TrifocalTensor tensor, Point3D_F64 e2, Point3D_F64 e3) Computes the epipoles of the first camera in the second and third images.static void
(DMatrixRMaj F, Point3D_F64 e1, Point3D_F64 e2) Extracts the epipoles from an essential or fundamental matrix.static double
(GeoTuple3D_F64<?> a, GeoTuple3D_F64<?> b) Finds the scale which minimizes the difference between `a` and `b`.static double
(DMatrixRMaj a, DMatrixRMaj b) Finds this scale which minimizes the difference between `a` and `b`.static boolean
(DMatrixRMaj F21, DMatrixRMaj F31, DMatrixRMaj F32, double tol) Checks to see if the three fundamental matrices are consistent based on their epipoles.static DMatrixRMaj
(DMatrixRMaj F, DMatrixRMaj K, @Nullable DMatrixRMaj outputE) Given the calibration matrix, convert the fundamental matrix into an essential matrix.static DMatrixRMaj
(DMatrixRMaj F, DMatrixRMaj K1, DMatrixRMaj K2, @Nullable DMatrixRMaj outputE) Given the calibration matrix, convert the fundamental matrix into an essential matrix.static @Nullable DMatrixRMaj
(DMatrixRMaj F, PairLineNorm line0, PairLineNorm line1) Computes the homography induced from a planar surface when viewed from two views using correspondences of two lines.static @Nullable DMatrixRMaj
Computes the homography induced from a planar surface when viewed from two views using correspondences of three points.static DMatrixRMaj
(DMatrixRMaj F, PairLineNorm line, AssociatedPair point) Computes the homography induced from a planar surface when viewed from two views using correspondences of a line and a point.static DMatrixRMaj
Given a fundamental matrix a pair of camera matrices P0 and P1 can be extracted.static DMatrixRMaj
(DMatrixRMaj F, Point3D_F64 e2, Vector3D_F64 v, double lambda) Given a fundamental matrix a pair of camera matrices P and P1' are extracted.static void
(DMatrixRMaj F21, DMatrixRMaj F31, DMatrixRMaj F32, DMatrixRMaj P2, DMatrixRMaj P3) Given three fundamental matrices that describing the relationship between three views, compute a consistent set of projective camera matrices.static DMatrixRMaj
(DMatrixRMaj R21, DMatrixRMaj K1, DMatrixRMaj K2, @Nullable DMatrixRMaj H21) Creates a pixel homography from a rotation matrix and the intrinsic calibration matrices.static boolean
(DMatrixRMaj H21, List<AssociatedPair> pairs, DMatrixRMaj F21) Given a homography, compute the Fundamental matrix between the two views.static DMatrixRMaj
(TrifocalTensor tensor, Vector3D_F64 line3, DMatrixRMaj output) Computes the homography induced from view 1 to 2 by a line in view 3.static DMatrixRMaj
(TrifocalTensor tensor, Vector3D_F64 line2, DMatrixRMaj output) Computes the homography induced from view 1 to 3 by a line in view 2.static void
(DMatrixRMaj Q, DMatrixRMaj P, CameraPinhole intrinsic) Extracts the intrinsic camera matrix from a view given its camera matrix and the dual absolute quadratic.static void
(List<DMatrixRMaj> cameraMatrices, @Nullable DMatrixRMaj H) Computes a homography transform which will make the first camera in the list identity and modifies the camera matrices using that homographystatic DMatrixRMaj
(DMatrixRMaj P2, @Nullable DMatrixRMaj F21) Given an implicit P1=[I|0] camera matrix and P2 compute a fundamental matrix.static DMatrixRMaj
(DMatrixRMaj P1, DMatrixRMaj P2, @Nullable DMatrixRMaj F21) Given two general camera matrices compute fundamental matrix.static DMatrixRMaj
(DMatrixRMaj P, @Nullable DMatrixRMaj H) Finds the transform such that P*H = [I|0] where P is a 3x4 projective camera matrix and H is a 4x4 matrixstatic boolean
(DMatrixRMaj cameraMatrix, DMatrixRMaj H, Se3_F64 worldToView, DMatrixRMaj K) Elevates a projective camera matrix into a metric one using the rectifying homography.static boolean
(DMatrixRMaj cameraMatrix, DMatrixRMaj H, DMatrixRMaj K, Se3_F64 worldToView) Convert the projective camera matrix into a metric transform given the rectifying homography and a known calibration matrix.static void
Rectifying / calibrating homography to dual absolute quadratic.static void
(SceneStructureMetric scene, int viewIdx, BoofLambdas.ProcessIndex2<Point3D_F64, Point2D_F64> function) Projects points in the scene onto the specified image.static void
(SceneStructureMetric scene, double tol, BoofLambdas.ProcessIndex<Point3D_F64> func) Converts the points in the scene into a 3D point cloud.static void
(SceneStructureMetric scene, BoofLambdas.ProcessIndex<Point4D_F64> func) Converts the points in the scene into a homogenous point cloud.static Tuple2<List<Point2D_F64>,
List<Point2D_F64>> split2
(List<AssociatedPair> input) Splits the associated pairs into two listsstatic Tuple3<List<Point2D_F64>,
List<Point2D_F64>, List<Point2D_F64>> split3
(List<AssociatedTriple> input) Splits the associated triple into three listsstatic List<List<Point2D_F64>>
(List<AssociatedTriple> src, @Nullable List<List<Point2D_F64>> dst) Lists a list ofAssociatedTriple
into a list of observations for each camera independently.static Point3D_F64
(TrifocalTensor T, Point2D_F64 x1, Point2D_F64 x3, @Nullable Point3D_F64 x2) Transfers a point from the first view to the second view using the observed location in the third viewstatic Point3D_F64
(TrifocalTensor T, Point2D_F64 x1, Vector3D_F64 l3, @Nullable Point3D_F64 x2) Transfers a point from the first view to the second view using a plane induced by a line in the third view.static Point3D_F64
(TrifocalTensor T, Point2D_F64 x1, Point2D_F64 x2, @Nullable Point3D_F64 x3) Transfers a point to the third view given observed locations in the first and second viewsstatic Point3D_F64
(TrifocalTensor T, Point2D_F64 x1, Vector3D_F64 l2, @Nullable Point3D_F64 x3) Transfers a point from the first view to the third view using a plane induced by a line in the second view.static void
(SceneStructureMetric structure, SceneObservations observations) Convenience function for initializing bundle adjustment parameters.static void
(TrifocalTensor tensor, DMatrixRMaj P2, DMatrixRMaj P3) Extract the camera matrices up to a common projective transform.static void
(TrifocalTensor tensor, DMatrixRMaj F21, DMatrixRMaj F31) Extract the fundamental matrices between views 1 + 2 and views 1 + 3.
Constructor Details
public MultiViewOps()
Method Details
public static TrifocalTensor createTrifocal(DMatrixRMaj P2, DMatrixRMaj P3, @Nullable @Nullable TrifocalTensor ret) Creates a trifocal tensor from two camera matrices. Tijk = a[j,i]*b[k,3] - a[j,3]*b[k,i], where a=P2 and b=P3.
IMPORTANT: It is assumed that the first camera has the following camera matrix P1 = [I|0], where I is an identify matrix.
- Parameters:
- Camera matrix for view 2. 3x4 matrixP3
- Camera matrix for view 3. 3x4 matrixret
- Storage for trifocal tensor. If null a new instance will be created.- Returns:
- The trifocal tensor
public static TrifocalTensor createTrifocal(DMatrixRMaj P1, DMatrixRMaj P2, DMatrixRMaj P3, @Nullable @Nullable TrifocalTensor ret) Creates a trifocal tensor from three camera matrices. The
Page 415 in R. Hartley, and A. Zisserman, "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision", 2nd Ed, Cambridge 2003
WARNING: This method of creating a trifocal tensor might be numerically less accurate. A unit test had to be changed which used this method to use another approach to constructing the tensor because it was failing even with perfect data. With some thought this issue could be fixed.
- Parameters:
- Camera matrix for view 1. 3x4 matrixP2
- Camera matrix for view 2. 3x4 matrixP3
- Camera matrix for view 3. 3x4 matrixret
- Storage for trifocal tensor. If null a new instance will be created.- Returns:
- The trifocal tensor
public static TrifocalTensor createTrifocal(Se3_F64 P2, Se3_F64 P3, @Nullable @Nullable TrifocalTensor ret) Creates a trifocal tensor from two rigid body motions. This is for the calibrated camera case.
NOTE: View 1 is the world coordinate system, i.e. [I|0]
- Parameters:
- Transform from view 1 to view 2.P3
- Transform from view 1 to view 3.ret
- Storage for trifocal tensor. If null a new instance will be created.- Returns:
- The trifocal tensor
public static Vector3D_F64 constraint(TrifocalTensor tensor, Vector3D_F64 l1, Vector3D_F64 l2, Vector3D_F64 l3, @Nullable @Nullable Vector3D_F64 ret) Trifocal tensor with line-line-line correspondence:
(l2T*[T1,T2,T3]*L2)*[l1]x = 0- Parameters:
- Trifocal tensorl1
- A line in the first view.l2
- A line in the second view.l3
- A line in the third view.ret
- Storage for output. If null a new instance will be declared.- Returns:
- Result of applying the constraint. With perfect inputs will be zero.
public static double constraint(TrifocalTensor tensor, Point2D_F64 p1, Vector3D_F64 l2, Vector3D_F64 l3) Trifocal tensor with point-line-line correspondence:
(l2T*(sum p1i*Ti)*l3 = 0- Parameters:
- Trifocal tensorp1
- A point in the first view.l2
- A line in the second view.l3
- A line in the third view.- Returns:
- Result of applying the constraint. With perfect inputs will be zero.
public static Vector3D_F64 constraint(TrifocalTensor tensor, Point2D_F64 p1, Vector3D_F64 l2, Point2D_F64 p3, Vector3D_F64 ret) Trifocal tensor with point-line-point correspondence:
(l2T(sum p1i*Ti)[p3]x = 0- Parameters:
- Trifocal tensorp1
- A point in the first view.l2
- A line in the second view.p3
- A point in the third view.- Returns:
- Result of applying the constraint. With perfect inputs will be zero.
public static Vector3D_F64 constraint(TrifocalTensor tensor, Point2D_F64 p1, Point2D_F64 p2, Vector3D_F64 l3, Vector3D_F64 ret) Trifocal tensor with point-point-line correspondence:
[p2]x(sum p1i*Ti)*l3 = 0- Parameters:
- Trifocal tensorp1
- A point in the first view.p2
- A point in the second view.l3
- A line in the third view.- Returns:
- Result of applying the constraint. With perfect inputs will be zero.
public static DMatrixRMaj constraint(TrifocalTensor tensor, Point2D_F64 p1, Point2D_F64 p2, Point2D_F64 p3, DMatrixRMaj ret) Trifocal tensor with point-point-point correspondence:
[p2]x(sum p1i*Ti)[p3]x = 0- Parameters:
- Trifocal tensorp1
- A point in the first view.p2
- A point in the second view.p3
- A point in the third view.ret
- Optional storage for output. 3x3 matrix. Modified.- Returns:
- Result of applying the constraint. With perfect inputs will be zero.
Applies the epipolar relationship constraint to an essential or fundamental matrix:
0 = p2T*F*p1
Input points are in normalized image coordinates for an essential matrix and pixels for fundamental.- Parameters:
- 3x3 essential or fundamental matrix.p1
- Point in view 1.p2
- Point in view 2.- Returns:
- Constraint value.
Applies the homography constraints to two points:
z*p2 = H*p1
where z is a scale factor and (p1,p2) are point observations. Note that since 2D points are inputted translation and normalization to homogeneous coordinates with z=1 is automatically handled.- Parameters:
- Input: 3x3 Homography matrix.p1
- Input: Point in view 1.outputP2
- Output: storage for point in view 2.- Returns:
- Predicted point in view 2
public static DMatrixRMaj inducedHomography13(TrifocalTensor tensor, Vector3D_F64 line2, DMatrixRMaj output) Computes the homography induced from view 1 to 3 by a line in view 2. The provided line in view 2 must contain the view 2 observation. p3 = H13*p1- Parameters:
- Input: Trifocal tensorline2
- Input: Line in view 2.General notation
- Output: Optional storage for homography. 3x3 matrix- Returns:
- Homography from view 1 to 3
public static DMatrixRMaj inducedHomography12(TrifocalTensor tensor, Vector3D_F64 line3, DMatrixRMaj output) Computes the homography induced from view 1 to 2 by a line in view 3. The provided line in view 3 must contain the view 3 observation. p2 = H12*p1- Parameters:
- Input: Trifocal tensorline3
- Input: Line in view 3.General notation
- Output: Optional storage for homography. 3x3 matrix- Returns:
- Homography from view 1 to 2
@Nullable public static @Nullable DMatrixRMaj fundamentalToHomography3Pts(DMatrixRMaj F, AssociatedPair p1, AssociatedPair p2, AssociatedPair p3) Computes the homography induced from a planar surface when viewed from two views using correspondences of three points. Observations must be on the planar surface.WARNING: As implemented, it seems to have stability issues or a bug. See code for comments. Please fix and update unit test.
- Parameters:
- Fundamental matrixp1
- Associated point observationp2
- Associated point observationp3
- Associated point observation- Returns:
- The homography from view 1 to view 2 or null if it fails
- See Also:
public static DMatrixRMaj fundamentalToHomographyLinePt(DMatrixRMaj F, PairLineNorm line, AssociatedPair point) Computes the homography induced from a planar surface when viewed from two views using correspondences of a line and a point. Observations must be on the planar surface.- Parameters:
- Fundamental matrixline
- Line on the planepoint
- Point on the plane- Returns:
- The homography from view 1 to view 2 or null if it fails
- See Also:
@Nullable public static @Nullable DMatrixRMaj fundamentalToHomography2Lines(DMatrixRMaj F, PairLineNorm line0, PairLineNorm line1) Computes the homography induced from a planar surface when viewed from two views using correspondences of two lines. Observations must be on the planar surface.- Parameters:
- Fundamental matrixline0
- Line on the planeline1
- Line on the plane- Returns:
- The homography from view 1 to view 2 or null if it fails
- See Also:
Computes the epipoles of the first camera in the second and third images. Epipoles are found in homogeneous coordinates and have a norm of 1.
- e2T*F12 = 0
- e3T*F13 = 0
- Parameters:
- Trifocal tensor. Not Modifiede2
- Output: Epipole in image 2. Homogeneous coordinates. Modifiede3
- Output: Epipole in image 3. Homogeneous coordinates. Modified- See Also:
Extract the fundamental matrices between views 1 + 2 and views 1 + 3. The returned Fundamental matrices will have the following properties: xiT*Fi*x1 = 0, where i is view 2 or 3.
NOTE: The first camera is assumed to have the camera matrix of P1 = [I|0]. Thus observations in pixels for the first camera will not meet the epipolar constraint when applied to the returned fundamental matrices.
- Parameters:
- Trifocal tensor. Not modified.F21
- Output: Fundamental matrix for views 1 and 2. Modified.F31
- Output: Fundamental matrix for views 1 and 3. Modified.- See Also:
Extract the camera matrices up to a common projective transform.
NOTE: The camera matrix for the first view is assumed to be P1 = [I|0].
- Parameters:
- Trifocal tensor. Not modified.P2
- Output: 3x4 camera matrix for views 1 to 2. Modified.P3
- Output: 3x4 camera matrix for views 1 to 3. Modified.- See Also:
public static DMatrixRMaj createEssential(DMatrixRMaj R, Vector3D_F64 T, @Nullable @Nullable DMatrixRMaj E) Computes an essential matrix from a rotation and translation. This motion is the motion from the first camera frame into the second camera frame. The essential matrix 'E' is defined as:
E = hat(T)*R
where hat(T) is the skew symmetric cross product matrix for vector T.- Parameters:
- Rotation matrix.T
- Translation vector.E
- (Output) Storage for essential matrix. 3x3 matrix- Returns:
- Essential matrix
Computes a Fundamental matrix given an Essential matrix and the camera calibration matrix. F = (K-1)T*E*K-1- Parameters:
- Essential matrixK
- Intrinsic camera calibration matrix- Returns:
- Fundamental matrix
Computes a Fundamental matrix given an Essential matrix and the camera's intrinsic parameters.- Parameters:
- Essential matrixintrinsic
- Intrinsic camera calibration- Returns:
- Fundamental matrix
- See Also:
Computes a Fundamental matrix given an Essential matrix and the camera calibration matrix. F = (K2-1)T*E*K1-1- Parameters:
- Essential matrixK1
- Intrinsic camera calibration matrix for camera 1K2
- Intrinsic camera calibration matrix for camera 2- Returns:
- Fundamental matrix
public static DMatrixRMaj createFundamental(DMatrixRMaj R, Vector3D_F64 T, DMatrixRMaj K1, DMatrixRMaj K2, @Nullable @Nullable DMatrixRMaj F) Computes an fudamental matrix from a rotation, translation, and calibration matrix. Motion is from the first camera frame into the second camera frame.
- Parameters:
- Rotation matrix. first to secondT
- Translation vector. first to secondK1
- Intrinsic camera calibration matrix for camera 1K2
- Intrinsic camera calibration matrix for camera 2F
- (Output) Storage for essential matrix. 3x3 matrix- Returns:
- Essential matrix
Computes a homography matrix from a rotation, translation, plane normal and plane distance:
x[2] = H*x[1]
where x[1] is the point on the first camera and x[2] the location in the second camera.
H = R+(1/d)*T*NT
Where [R,T] is the transform from camera 1 to camera 2.- Parameters:
- Rotation matrix from camera 1 to camera 2.T
- Translation vector from camera 1 to camera 2.d
- Distance > 0 of closest point on plane to the origin of camera 1.N
- Normal of plane with respect to the first camera.- Returns:
- Calibrated homography matrix
public static DMatrixRMaj createHomography(DMatrixRMaj R, Vector3D_F64 T, double d, Vector3D_F64 N, DMatrixRMaj K) Computes a homography matrix from a rotation, translation, plane normal, plane distance, and calibration matrix:
x[2] = H*x[1]
where x[1] is the point on the first camera and x[2] the location in the second camera.
H = K*(R+(1/d)*T*NT)*K-1
Where [R,T] is the transform from camera 1 to camera, and K is the calibration matrix for both cameras.- Parameters:
- Rotation matrix from camera 1 to camera 2.T
- Translation vector from camera 1 to camera 2.d
- Distance > 0 of closest point on plane to the origin of camera 1.N
- Normal of plane with respect to the first camera.K
- Intrinsic calibration matrix- Returns:
- Uncalibrated homography matrix
Extracts the epipoles from an essential or fundamental matrix. The epipoles are extracted from the left and right null space of the provided matrix. Note that the found epipoles are in homogeneous coordinates. If the epipole is at infinity then z=0
Left: e2T*F = 0
Right: F*e1 = 0- Parameters:
- Input: Fundamental or Essential 3x3 matrix. Not modified.e1
- Output: Right epipole in homogeneous coordinates. Can be null. Modified.e2
- Output: Left epipole in homogeneous coordinates. Can be null. Modified.
public static DMatrixRMaj fundamentalToProjective(DMatrixRMaj F, Point3D_F64 e2, Vector3D_F64 v, double lambda) Given a fundamental matrix a pair of camera matrices P and P1' are extracted. The camera matrices are 3 by 4 and used to project a 3D homogenous point onto the image plane. These camera matrices will only be known up to a projective transform, thus there are multiple solutions, The canonical camera matrix is defined as:
P=[I|0] and P'= [M|-M*t] = [[e']*F + e'*v^t | lambda*e']
where e' is the epipole FTe' = 0, [e'] is the cross product matrix for the enclosed vector, v is an arbitrary 3-vector and lambda is a non-zero scalar.NOTE: Additional information is needed to upgrade this projective transform into a metric transform.
Page 256 in R. Hartley, and A. Zisserman, "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision", 2nd Ed, Cambridge 2003
- Parameters:
- (Input) A fundamental matrixe2
- (Input) Left epipole of fundamental matrix, FT*e2 = 0.v
- (Input) Arbitrary 3-vector. Just pick some value, say (0,0,0).lambda
- (Input) A non zero scalar. Try one.- Returns:
- The canonical camera (projection) matrix P' (3 by 4) Known up to a projective transform.
- See Also:
public static DMatrixRMaj projectiveToFundamental(DMatrixRMaj P1, DMatrixRMaj P2, @Nullable @Nullable DMatrixRMaj F21) Given two general camera matrices compute fundamental matrix.
F= [e']_x P2*P1+, where P1+ is the pseudo inverse of P1, and e' = P2*C, with P*C=0
- Parameters:
- (Input) camera matrix for view 1P2
- (Input) camera matrix for view 2F21
- (Output) Fundamental matrix from view 1 to 2- Returns:
- Fundamental matrix.
public static DMatrixRMaj projectiveToFundamental(DMatrixRMaj P2, @Nullable @Nullable DMatrixRMaj F21) Given an implicit P1=[I|0] camera matrix and P2 compute a fundamental matrix.
F= [e']_x P2*P1+, where P1+ is the pseudo inverse of P1, and e' = P2*C, with P*C=0
- Parameters:
- (Input) camera matrix for view 2F21
- (Output) Fundamental matrix from view 1 to 2- Returns:
- Fundamental matrix.
Given a fundamental matrix a pair of camera matrices P0 and P1 can be extracted. Same
fundamentalToProjective(DMatrixRMaj, Point3D_F64, Vector3D_F64, double)
but with the suggested values for all variables filled in for you.- Parameters:
- (Input) Fundamental Matrix- Returns:
- The canonical camera (projection) matrix P' (3 by 4) Known up to a projective transform.
- See Also:
public static DMatrixRMaj fundamentalToEssential(DMatrixRMaj F, DMatrixRMaj K, @Nullable @Nullable DMatrixRMaj outputE) Given the calibration matrix, convert the fundamental matrix into an essential matrix. E = K'*F*k. The singular values of the resulting E matrix are forced to be [1,1,0]- Parameters:
- (Input) Fundamental matrix. 3x3K
- (Input) Calibration matrix (3x3)outputE
- (Output) Found essential matrix- Returns:
- Essential matrix
public static DMatrixRMaj fundamentalToEssential(DMatrixRMaj F, DMatrixRMaj K1, DMatrixRMaj K2, @Nullable @Nullable DMatrixRMaj outputE) Given the calibration matrix, convert the fundamental matrix into an essential matrix. E = K[2]T*F*k[1]. The singular values of the resulting E matrix are forced to be [1,1,0]- Parameters:
- (Input) Fundamental matrix. 3x3K1
- (Input) Calibration matrix view 1 (3x3)K2
- (Input) Calibration matrix view 2 (3x3)outputE
- (Output) Found essential matrix- Returns:
- Essential matrix
public static void fundamentalToProjective(DMatrixRMaj F21, DMatrixRMaj F31, DMatrixRMaj F32, DMatrixRMaj P2, DMatrixRMaj P3) Given three fundamental matrices that describing the relationship between three views, compute a consistent set of projective camera matrices. Consistent means that the camera matrices will give back the same fundamental matrices, see [1]. This function is of dubious practical value, see discussion inFundamentalToProjective.threeView(,,,,
. The first camera matrix, without loss of generality, is assumed to be P1 = [I|0].- Page 301 in Y. Ma, S. Soatto, J. Kosecka, and S. S. Sastry, "An Invitation to 3-D Vision" Springer-Verlad, 2004
- Parameters:
- (Input) Fundamental matrix between view 1 and 2F31
- (Input) Fundamental matrix between view 1 and 3F32
- (Input) Fundamental matrix between view 2 and 3P2
- (Output) Camera matrix for view 2P3
- (Output) Camera matrix for view 3- See Also:
Finds the transform such that P*H = [I|0] where P is a 3x4 projective camera matrix and H is a 4x4 matrix- Parameters:
- (Input) camera matrix 3x4H
- (Output) 4x4 matrix
public static void projectiveMakeFirstIdentity(List<DMatrixRMaj> cameraMatrices, @Nullable @Nullable DMatrixRMaj H) Computes a homography transform which will make the first camera in the list identity and modifies the camera matrices using that homography- Parameters:
- (input/output) ConvertsH
- (output + Optional) storage for homography
public static boolean fundamentalCompatible3(DMatrixRMaj F21, DMatrixRMaj F31, DMatrixRMaj F32, double tol) Checks to see if the three fundamental matrices are consistent based on their epipoles.
e23TF21e13 = 0
e31TF32e21 = 0
e32TF31e12 = 0
Section 15.4 in R. Hartley, and A. Zisserman, "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision", 2nd Ed, Cambridge 2003
- Parameters:
- (Input) Fundamental matrix between view 1 and 2F31
- (Input) Fundamental matrix between view 1 and 3F32
- (Input) Fundamental matrix between view 2 and 3
public static boolean decomposeMetricCamera(DMatrixRMaj cameraMatrix, DMatrixRMaj K, Se3_F64 worldToView) Decomposes a metric camera matrix P=K*[R|T], where A is an upper triangular camera calibration matrix, R is a rotation matrix, and T is a translation vector. If
PerspectiveOps.createCameraMatrix(, georegression.struct.point.Vector3D_F64,,
is called using the returned value you will get an equivalent camera matrix.- NOTE: There are multiple valid solutions to this problem and only one solution is returned.
- NOTE: The camera center will be on the plane at infinity.
- Parameters:
- Input: Camera matrix, 3 by 4K
- Output: Camera calibration matrix, 3 by 3.worldToView
- Output: The rotation and translation.- Returns:
- true if decompose was successful
Decomposes an essential matrix into the rigid body motion which it was constructed from. Due to ambiguities there are four possible solutions. SeeDecomposeEssential
for the details. The correct solution can be found using triangulation and the positive depth constraint, e.g. the objects must be in front of the camera to be seen. Also note that the scale of the translation is lost, even with perfect data.- Parameters:
- An essential matrix.- Returns:
- Four possible motions. From view 1 to view 2.
- See Also:
Decomposes a homography matrix that's in Euclidean space (computed from features in normalized image coordinates). The homography is defined as H = (R + (1/d)*T*NT), where R is a 3x3 rotation matrix, d is the distance of the plane, N is the plane's normal (unit vector), T is the translation vector. If the homography is from view 'a' to 'b' then transform (R,T) will be from reference 'a' to 'b'. Note that the returned 'T' is divided by 'd'.- Parameters:
- Homography in Euclidean space- Returns:
- The set of four possible solutions. First param: motion (R,T). Second param: plane normal vector.
- See Also:
public static void errorsHomographySymm(List<AssociatedPair> observations, DMatrixRMaj H, @Nullable @Nullable DMatrixRMaj H_inv, DogArray_F64 storage) Computes symmetric Euclidean error for each observation and puts it into the storage. If the homography projects the point into the plane at infinity (z=0) then it is skipped
error[i] = (H*x1 - x2')**2 + (inv(H)*x2 - x1')**2- Parameters:
- (Input) observationsH
- (Input) HomographyH_inv
- (Input) Inverse of homography. if null it will be computed internallystorage
- (Output) storage for found errors
public static Point3D_F64 transfer_1_to_3(TrifocalTensor T, Point2D_F64 x1, Vector3D_F64 l2, @Nullable @Nullable Point3D_F64 x3) Transfers a point from the first view to the third view using a plane induced by a line in the second view.- Parameters:
- (Input) point (pixel) in first viewl2
- (Input) line in second viewT
- (Input) Trifocal tensorx3
- (Output) Induced point (pixel) in third view. Homogenous coordinates.- Returns:
- induced point.
public static Point3D_F64 transfer_1_to_3(TrifocalTensor T, Point2D_F64 x1, Point2D_F64 x2, @Nullable @Nullable Point3D_F64 x3) Transfers a point to the third view given observed locations in the first and second views- Parameters:
- (Input) point (pixel) in first viewx2
- (Input) point (pixel) in second viewT
- (Input) Trifocal tensorx3
- (Output) Induced point (pixel) in third view. Homogenous coordinates.- Returns:
- induced point.
public static Point3D_F64 transfer_1_to_2(TrifocalTensor T, Point2D_F64 x1, Vector3D_F64 l3, @Nullable @Nullable Point3D_F64 x2) Transfers a point from the first view to the second view using a plane induced by a line in the third view.- Parameters:
- (Input) point (pixel) in first viewl3
- (Input) line in third viewT
- (Input) Trifocal tensorx2
- (Output) Induced point (pixel) in second view. Homogenous coordinates.- Returns:
- induced point.
public static Point3D_F64 transfer_1_to_2(TrifocalTensor T, Point2D_F64 x1, Point2D_F64 x3, @Nullable @Nullable Point3D_F64 x2) Transfers a point from the first view to the second view using the observed location in the third view- Parameters:
- (Input) point (pixel) in first viewx3
- (Input) point (pixel) in third viewT
- (Input) Trifocal tensorx2
- (Output) Induced point (pixel) in second view. Homogenous coordinates.- Returns:
- induced point.
public static boolean projectiveToMetric(DMatrixRMaj cameraMatrix, DMatrixRMaj H, Se3_F64 worldToView, DMatrixRMaj K) Elevates a projective camera matrix into a metric one using the rectifying homography. Extracts calibration and Se3 pose.P'=P*H K,R,t = decompose(P')
where P is the camera matrix, H is the homography, (K,R,t) are the intrinsic calibration matrix, rotation, and translation- Parameters:
- (Input) camera matrix. 3x4H
- (Input) Rectifying homography. 4x4worldToView
- (Output) Transform from world to camera viewK
- (Output) Camera calibration matrix- See Also:
public static boolean projectiveToMetricKnownK(DMatrixRMaj cameraMatrix, DMatrixRMaj H, DMatrixRMaj K, Se3_F64 worldToView) Convert the projective camera matrix into a metric transform given the rectifying homography and a known calibration matrix. This simplifies the math compared to
where it needs to extract `K`.P = K*[R|T]*H
where H is the inverse of the rectifying homography.- Parameters:
- (Input) camera matrix. 3x4H
- (Input) Rectifying homography. 4x4K
- (Input) Known calibration matrixworldToView
- (Output) transform from world to camera view
public static boolean enforceAbsoluteQuadraticConstraints(DMatrix4x4 Q, boolean zeroCenter, boolean zeroSkew) If the solution to the absolute quadratic was computed using a linear methods it will not exactly have the required structure. This forces the structure to match.- Positive diagonal elements
- (Optional) zero principle point
- (Optional) zero skew
- Q = H*diag([1 1 1 0])*HT and H = [K 0; -p'*K 1]
- R. Hartley, and A. Zisserman, "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision", 2nd Ed, Cambridge 2003
- Parameters:
- Approximate solution to absolute quadratic- See Also:
public static boolean enforceAbsoluteQuadraticConstraints(DMatrix4x4 Q, boolean zeroCenter, boolean zeroSkew, @Nullable @Nullable DecomposeAbsoluteDualQuadratic alg) -
Decomposes the absolute quadratic to extract the rectifying homogrpahy H. This is used to go from a projective to metric (calibrated) geometry. See pg 464 in [1].Q = H*I*HT
where I = diag(1 1 1 0)
- R. Hartley, and A. Zisserman, "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision", 2nd Ed, Cambridge 2003
- Parameters:
- (Input) Absolute quadratic. Typically found in auto calibration. Not modified.H
- (Output) 4x4 rectifying homography.- See Also:
Rectifying / calibrating homography to dual absolute quadratic.Q = H*I*HT = H(:,1:3)*H(:,1:3)'
where I = diag(1 1 1 0)
- Parameters:
- (Input) 4x4 rectifying homography.Q
- (Output) Absolute quadratic. Typically found in auto calibration. Not modified.
public static void canonicalRectifyingHomographyFromKPinf(DMatrixRMaj K, Point3D_F64 planeAtInfinity, DMatrixRMaj H) Constructs a canonical rectifying homography from its components, 3x3 intrinsic matrix K and p the plane at infinity. See 19.2 page 460 in [1]. This assumes that camera matrix P1 = [I|0].H=[K*K, 0; -p'*k, 1]
- R. Hartley, and A. Zisserman, "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision", 2nd Ed, Cambridge 2003
- Parameters:
- (Input) 3x3 intrinsic calibration matrixplaneAtInfinity
- (Input) Plane at infinityH
- (Output) rectifying homography.
public static void intrinsicFromAbsoluteQuadratic(DMatrixRMaj Q, DMatrixRMaj P, CameraPinhole intrinsic) Extracts the intrinsic camera matrix from a view given its camera matrix and the dual absolute quadratic.wi = Pi*Q*PiT, where wi = Ki*K'i
- Parameters:
- (Input) Dual absolute qudraticP
- (Input) Camera matrix for a viewintrinsic
- (Output) found intrinsic parameters
public static void decomposeDiac(double w11, double w12, double w13, double w22, double w23, double w33, CameraPinhole intrinsic) Extracts the camera calibration matrix on the dual image of the absolute conic (DIAC). Elements which could cause problems if negative have the absolute value taken to avoid NaN. The upper triangular elements in w (DIAC) are passed in.- Parameters:
- (output) K extracted from w
Extracts the camera calibration matrix on the dual image of the absolute conic (DIAC). Elements which could cause problems if negative have the absolute value taken to avoid NaN.- Parameters:
- (input) DIAC 3x3intrinsic
- (output) K extracted from w
public static DMatrixRMaj createProjectiveToMetric(DMatrixRMaj K, double v1, double v2, double v3, double lambda, @Nullable @Nullable DMatrixRMaj H) Given the calibration matrix for the first view, plane at infinity, and lambda (scaling factor) compute the rectifying homography for changing a projective camera matrix into a metric one.H = [K 0;v' &lambda]
- Parameters:
- 3x3 calibration matrix for view 1v1
- plane at infinityv2
- plane at infinityv3
- plane at infinitylambda
- scaling factorH
- (Optional) Storage for 4x4 matrix- Returns:
- The homography
Decomposes the absolute dual quadratic into the following submatrices: Q=[w -w*p;-p'*w p'*w*p]- Parameters:
- (Input) Absolute quadratic. Typically found in auto calibration. Not modified.w
- (Output) 3x3 symmetric matrixp
- (Output) 3x1 vector- Returns:
- true if successful or false if it failed
- See Also:
Splits the associated pairs into two lists- Parameters:
- List of associated features- Returns:
- two lists containing each set of features
public static Tuple3<List<Point2D_F64>,List<Point2D_F64>, split3List<Point2D_F64>> (List<AssociatedTriple> input) Splits the associated triple into three lists- Parameters:
- List of associated features- Returns:
- three lists containing each set of features
public static void triangulatePoints(SceneStructureMetric structure, SceneObservations observations) Convenience function for initializing bundle adjustment parameters. Triangulates points using camera position and pixel observations.- Parameters:
- camera locationsobservations
- observations of features in the images
Finds this scale which minimizes the difference between `a` and `b`. ||scale*a-b||- Parameters:
- (Input) matrixb
- (Input) matrix- Returns:
- scale factor
Finds the scale which minimizes the difference between `a` and `b`. ||scale*a-b||- Parameters:
- (Input) 3D coordinateb
- (Input) 3D coordinate- Returns:
- scale factor
public static List<List<Point2D_F64>> splits3Lists(List<AssociatedTriple> src, @Nullable @Nullable List<List<Point2D_F64>> dst) Lists a list ofAssociatedTriple
into a list of observations for each camera independently.- Parameters:
- (Input) list ofAssociatedTriple
- (Output) list of lists. Can be null.- Returns:
- list of lists.
- Parameters:
- (Input) List of AssociatedTripledst
- (Output) Array of AssociatedTuple. Array is reset.
public static void convertTr(List<AssociatedTriple> src, int idx0, int idx1, DogArray<AssociatedPair> dst) - Parameters:
- (Input) List of AssociatedTripleidx0
- (Input) which feature in the triple is p1 in the pairidx1
- (Input) which feature in the triple is p2 in the pairdst
- (Output) Array of AssociatedPair. Array is reset.
public static void convertTu(List<AssociatedTuple> src, int idx0, int idx1, DogArray<AssociatedPair> dst) - Parameters:
- (Input) List of AssociatedTupleidx0
- (Input) which feature in the tuple is p1 in the pairidx1
- (Input) which feature in the tuple is p2 in the pairdst
- (Output) Array of AssociatedPair. Array is reset.
public static double disparityToRange(double disparity, double focalLength, double baseline) Applies stereo disparity equation to compute the distance of an object. Simple equation but if you use this equation you know you didn't screw it up. -
public static void scenePointsToPixels(SceneStructureMetric scene, int viewIdx, BoofLambdas.ProcessIndex2<Point3D_F64, Point2D_F64> function) Projects points in the scene onto the specified image. Results are returned using a lambda that provides the points index, the point's 3D location in the camera frame, and the projected pixels. No checks are done for the following:- Was the feature observed by this view
- Does the feature appear behind the camera
- Is the projected pixel inside the image
- Parameters:
- (Input) Metric sceneviewIdx
- (Input) Index of view for which points are projectedfunction
- (Output) Called with results (index, 3D camera location, pixel)
public static void sceneToCloud3(SceneStructureMetric scene, double tol, BoofLambdas.ProcessIndex<Point3D_F64> func) Converts the points in the scene into a 3D point cloud. A lambda is used pass in the results. This function will work if it's homogenous or 3D coordinates.- Parameters:
- (Input) The scenetol
- (Input) Only used if the scene is in homogenous coordinates. Tolerance for points being at infinity. Smaller values means more tolerant. Try 1e-8.func
- (Output) Results are passed in to this function with their index and 3D point.
public static void sceneToCloudH(SceneStructureMetric scene, BoofLambdas.ProcessIndex<Point4D_F64> func) Converts the points in the scene into a homogenous point cloud. Results are passed in to the lambda. It will work with a scene in homogenous or 3D coordinates.- Parameters:
- (Input) The scenefunc
- (Output) Results are passed in to this function with their index and 3D point.
IF a homography is compatible with a fundamental matrix then norm(H'*F + F'*H) = 0. A homography is compatible with F, if H is generated from a plane.Page 327 in R. Hartley, and A. Zisserman, "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision", 2nd Ed, Cambridge 2003
- Parameters:
- (Input) Fundamental matrixH
- (Input) Homography- Returns:
- A number close to zero if compatible
public static boolean homographyToFundamental(DMatrixRMaj H21, List<AssociatedPair> pairs, DMatrixRMaj F21) Given a homography, compute the Fundamental matrix between the two views. This requires at least 2 points which are not on the plane to work. Using this function it is possible to compute a fundamental matrix from 6 points.Page 335 in R. Hartley, and A. Zisserman, "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision", 2nd Ed, Cambridge 2003
- Parameters:
- (Input) known homographypairs
- (Input) two or more point observations which do not lie on the planeF21
- (Output) found homography matrix- Returns:
- true if no errors were encountered
public static DMatrixRMaj homographyFromRotation(DMatrixRMaj R21, DMatrixRMaj K1, DMatrixRMaj K2, @Nullable @Nullable DMatrixRMaj H21) Creates a pixel homography from a rotation matrix and the intrinsic calibration matrices. H = K2*R21*inv(K1)- Parameters:
- (Input) Rotation matrixK1
- (Input) Intrinsic camera matrix 1K2
- (Input) Intrinsic camera matrix 2- Returns:
- The homography