Uses of Interface
Packages that use InputToBinary
Uses of InputToBinary in boofcv.abst.feature.detect.line
Methods in boofcv.abst.feature.detect.line that return InputToBinaryConstructors in boofcv.abst.feature.detect.line with parameters of type InputToBinaryModifierConstructorDescriptionHoughBinary_to_DetectLine
(HoughTransformBinary hough, InputToBinary<I> thresholder) -
Uses of InputToBinary in boofcv.abst.fiducial
Constructors in boofcv.abst.fiducial with parameters of type InputToBinaryModifierConstructorDescriptionAztecCodePreciseDetector
(InputToBinary<T> inputToBinary, DetectPolygonBinaryGrayRefine<T> squareDetector, Class<T> imageType) MicroQrCodePreciseDetector
(InputToBinary<T> inputToBinary, QrCodePositionPatternDetector<T> detectPositionPatterns, @Nullable String forceEncoding, String defaultEncoding, boolean copyBinary, Class<T> imageType) QrCodePreciseDetector
(InputToBinary<T> inputToBinary, QrCodePositionPatternDetector<T> detectPositionPatterns, @Nullable String forceEncoding, String defaultEncoding, boolean copyBinary, Class<T> imageType) -
Uses of InputToBinary in boofcv.abst.filter.binary
Classes in boofcv.abst.filter.binary that implement InputToBinaryModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
GlobalBinaryFilter<T extends ImageGray<T>>
Base class for computing global thresholdsstatic class
GlobalBinaryFilter.Entropy<T extends ImageGray<T>>
Computes a threshold based on entropy to create a binary imagestatic class
GlobalBinaryFilter.Huang<T extends ImageGray<T>>
Computes a threshold using Huang's equation.static class
GlobalBinaryFilter.Li<T extends ImageGray<T>>
Computes a threshold using Li's equation.static class
GlobalBinaryFilter.Otsu<T extends ImageGray<T>>
Computes a threshold using Otsu's equation.class
GlobalFixedBinaryFilter<T extends ImageGray<T>>
Applies a fixed threshold to an image.class
InputToBinarySwitch<T extends ImageGray<T>>
which will convert the input image into the specified type prior to processing.class
LocalGaussianBinaryFilter<T extends ImageGray<T>>
Adaptive/local threshold using a Gaussian regionclass
LocalMeanBinaryFilter<T extends ImageGray<T>>
Adaptive/local threshold using a square regionConstructors in boofcv.abst.filter.binary with parameters of type InputToBinary -
Uses of InputToBinary in boofcv.alg.fiducial.calib.chess
Constructors in boofcv.alg.fiducial.calib.chess with parameters of type InputToBinaryModifierConstructorDescriptionDetectChessboardBinaryPattern
(int numRows, int numCols, ConfigLength maxCornerDistance, DetectPolygonBinaryGrayRefine<T> detectorSquare, InputToBinary<T> inputToBinary) Configures detection parameters -
Uses of InputToBinary in
Constructors in with parameters of type InputToBinaryModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(int numRows, int numCols, InputToBinary<T> inputToBinary, BinaryEllipseDetector<T> ellipseDetector, EllipsesIntoClusters clustering, EllipseClustersIntoGrid grider) Creates and configures the detectorDetectCircleHexagonalGrid
(int numRows, int numCols, InputToBinary<T> inputToBinary, BinaryEllipseDetector<T> ellipseDetector, EllipsesIntoClusters clustering) Creates and configures the detectorDetectCircleRegularGrid
(int numRows, int numCols, InputToBinary<T> inputToBinary, BinaryEllipseDetector<T> ellipseDetector, EllipsesIntoClusters clustering) Creates and configures the detector -
Uses of InputToBinary in boofcv.alg.fiducial.calib.grid
Constructors in boofcv.alg.fiducial.calib.grid with parameters of type InputToBinaryModifierConstructorDescriptionDetectSquareGridFiducial
(int numRows, int numCols, double spaceToSquareRatio, InputToBinary<T> inputToBinary, DetectPolygonBinaryGrayRefine<T> detectorSquare) COnfigures the detector -
Uses of InputToBinary in boofcv.alg.fiducial.dots
Constructors in boofcv.alg.fiducial.dots with parameters of type InputToBinaryModifierConstructorDescriptionUchiyaMarkerImageTracker
(InputToBinary<T> inputToBinary, BinaryEllipseDetectorPixel ellipseDetector, EdgeIntensityEllipse<T> intensityCheck, UchiyaMarkerTracker tracker) -
Uses of InputToBinary in boofcv.alg.fiducial.square
Constructors in boofcv.alg.fiducial.square with parameters of type InputToBinaryModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(InputToBinary<T> inputToBinary, DetectPolygonBinaryGrayRefine<T> squareDetector, boolean binaryCopy, double borderWidthFraction, double minimumBorderBlackFraction, int squarePixels, Class<T> inputType) Configures the detector.DetectFiducialSquareBinary
(int gridWidth, double borderWidthFraction, double minimumBlackBorderFraction, InputToBinary<T> inputToBinary, DetectPolygonBinaryGrayRefine<T> quadDetector, Class<T> inputType) Configures the fiducial detectorDetectFiducialSquareHamming
(ConfigHammingMarker description, double minimumBlackBorderFraction, InputToBinary<T> inputToBinary, DetectPolygonBinaryGrayRefine<T> quadDetector, Class<T> inputType) Configures the fiducial detectorDetectFiducialSquareImage
(InputToBinary<T> inputToBinary, DetectPolygonBinaryGrayRefine<T> quadDetector, double borderWidthFraction, double minimumBlackBorderFraction, double matchThreshold, Class<T> inputType) Configures the fiducial detector -
Uses of InputToBinary in boofcv.alg.filter.binary
Classes in boofcv.alg.filter.binary that implement InputToBinaryModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
ThresholdBlock<T extends ImageGray<T>,
S extends ImageBase<S>> Computes image statistics in regularly spaced blocks across the image.class
ThresholdBlock_MT<T extends ImageGray<T>,
S extends ImageBase<S>> Concurrent version ofThresholdBlock
Local Otsu thresholding where each pixel is thresholded by computing theGThresholdImageOps.computeOtsu2(int[], int, int)
Otsu-2} using its local region This implementation includes a modification from the traditional Otsu algorithm.class
Concurrent version ofThresholdLocalOtsu
Several related algorithms based off the Niblack's [1] paper which are intended for use in thresholding images as a preprocessing step for OCR.class
Concurrent implementation ofThresholdNiblackFamily
Based off the NICK algorithm described in [1] this is a thresholding algorithm intended for use on low quality ancient documents.class
Based off the NICK algorithm described in [1] this is a thresholding algorithm intended for use on low quality ancient documents. -
Uses of InputToBinary in boofcv.factory.filter.binary
Methods in boofcv.factory.filter.binary that return InputToBinaryModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength regionWidth, double scale, boolean down, boolean thresholdFromLocalBlocks, Class<T> inputType) Applies a non-overlapping block mean thresholdstatic <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength regionWidth, double scale, boolean down, boolean thresholdFromLocalBlocks, double minimumSpread, Class<T> inputType) Applies a very fast non-overlapping block thresholding algorithm which uses min/max statistics.static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength regionWidth, double scale, boolean down, boolean thresholdFromLocalBlocks, boolean otsu2, double tuning, Class<T> inputType) Applies a non-overlapping block Otsu threshold.static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(int minValue, int maxValue, double scale, boolean down, Class<T> inputType) static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(double threshold, boolean down, Class<T> inputType) static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(double minValue, double maxValue, double scale, boolean down, Class<T> inputType) static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(double minValue, double maxValue, double scale, boolean down, Class<T> inputType) static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(double minValue, double maxValue, double scale, boolean down, Class<T> inputType) <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(int minValue, int maxValue, boolean down, Class<T> inputType) <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(double threshold, boolean down, Class<T> inputType) <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(double minValue, double maxValue, boolean down, Class<T> inputType) <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength regionWidth, double scale, boolean down, boolean thresholdFromLocalBlocks, Class<T> inputType) <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength regionWidth, double scale, boolean down, double minimumSpread, boolean thresholdFromLocalBlocks, Class<T> inputType) <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(boolean otsu2, ConfigLength regionWidth, double tuning, double scale, boolean down, boolean thresholdFromLocalBlocks, Class<T> inputType) <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength regionWidth, double scale, boolean down, Class<T> inputType) <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength regionWidth, double scale, boolean down, Class<T> inputType) <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(boolean otsu2, ConfigLength regionWidth, double tuning, double scale, boolean down, Class<T> inputType) <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength regionWidth, float k, boolean down, Class<T> inputType) static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength regionWidth, double scale, boolean down, Class<T> inputType) static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength width, double scale, boolean down, Class<T> inputType) static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength width, boolean down, float k, Class<T> inputType) protected static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ThresholdNiblackFamily.Variant variant, ConfigLength width, boolean down, float k, Class<T> inputType) static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength width, boolean down, float k, Class<T> inputType) static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength regionWidth, double scale, boolean down, boolean otsu2, double tuning, Class<T> inputType) Applies a local Otsu threshold.static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength width, boolean down, float k, Class<T> inputType) static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength width, boolean down, float k, Class<T> inputType) static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigThreshold config, Class<T> inputType) Creates threshold using a config class