Uses of Interface
Packages that use DescriptorInfo
Uses of DescriptorInfo in boofcv.abst.feature.dense
Subinterfaces of DescriptorInfo in boofcv.abst.feature.denseModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
DescribeImageDense<T extends ImageBase<T>,
TD extends TupleDesc<TD>> Computes feature descriptors across the whole image.Classes in boofcv.abst.feature.dense that implement DescriptorInfoModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
DescribeImageDense_Convert<T extends ImageBase<T>,
TD extends TupleDesc<TD>> Wrapper that converts an input image data type into a different oneclass
DescribeImageDenseHoG<T extends ImageBase<T>>
Implementation ofDescribeImageDense
DescribeImageDenseSift<T extends ImageGray<T>,
D extends ImageGray<D>> High level wrapper aroundDescribeDenseSiftAlg
GenericDenseDescribeImageDense<T extends ImageBase<T>,
Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>> Dense feature computation which usesDescribePointRadiusAngle
internally. -
Uses of DescriptorInfo in boofcv.abst.feature.describe
Subinterfaces of DescriptorInfo in boofcv.abst.feature.describeModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
DescribePoint<T extends ImageBase<T>,
TD extends TupleDesc<TD>> High level interface for describing the region around a point when given the pixel coordinate of the point only.interface
DescribePointRadiusAngle<T extends ImageBase<T>,
Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>> High level interface for describing the region around a point when given the pixel coordinate of the point, the region's radius, and the regions orientation.Classes in boofcv.abst.feature.describe that implement DescriptorInfoModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
DescribeBrief_RadiusAngle<T extends ImageGray<T>>
Wrapper aroundDescribePointBrief
DescribeBriefSO_RadiusAngle<T extends ImageGray<T>>
Wrapper aroundDescribePointBriefSO
DescribeNCC_RadiusAngle<T extends ImageGray<T>>
Wrapper aroundDescribePointPixelRegionNCC
DescribePointAbstract<T extends ImageBase<T>,
TD extends TupleDesc<TD>> Default implementations for all functions inDescribePoint
DescribePointConvertTuple<T extends ImageGray<T>,
In extends TupleDesc<In>, Out extends TupleDesc<Out>> Converts the region descriptor type from theDescribePointRadiusAngle
into the desired output using aConvertTupleDesc
DescribePointRadiusAngleAbstract<T extends ImageBase<T>,
TD extends TupleDesc<TD>> ImplementsDescribePointRadiusAngle
but does nothing.class
DescribePointRadiusAngleConvertImage<In extends ImageBase<In>,
Mod extends ImageBase<Mod>, Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>> Used to automatically convert the input image type to use that's usable.class
DescribePointRadiusAngleConvertTuple<T extends ImageGray<T>,
In extends TupleDesc<In>, Out extends TupleDesc<Out>> Converts the region descriptor type from theDescribePointRadiusAngle
into the desired output using aConvertTupleDesc
DescribePointRawPixels_RadiusAngle<T extends ImageGray<T>,
TD extends TupleDesc<TD>> Wrapper aroundDescribePointRawPixels
DescribeRadiusAngle_Point<T extends ImageGray<T>,
TD extends TupleDesc<TD>> ConvertDescribePointRadiusAngle
DescribeSift_RadiusAngle<T extends ImageGray<T>>
Allows you to use SIFT features independent of the SIFT detector.class
DescribeSurf_Point<T extends ImageGray<T>,
II extends ImageGray<II>> Wrapper around SURF forDescribePoint
DescribeSurf_RadiusAngle<T extends ImageGray<T>,
II extends ImageGray<II>> Wrapper aroundDescribePointSurf
DescribeSurfPlanar_RadiusAngle<T extends ImageGray<T>,
II extends ImageGray<II>> Wrapper aroundDescribePointSurfPlanar
Uses of DescriptorInfo in boofcv.abst.feature.detdesc
Subinterfaces of DescriptorInfo in boofcv.abst.feature.detdescModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
DetectDescribeMulti<T extends ImageGray<T>,
Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>> Deprecated.interface
DetectDescribePoint<T extends ImageBase<T>,
Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>> Interface for detecting and describing point features.Classes in boofcv.abst.feature.detdesc that implement DescriptorInfoModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
CompleteSift_DetectDescribe<I extends ImageGray<I>>
Wrapper aroundCompleteSift
DetectDescribeConvertTuple<Image extends ImageBase<Image>,
In extends TupleDesc<In>, Out extends TupleDesc<Out>> Used to convert the TupleDesc type.class
DetectDescribeFusion<T extends ImageGray<T>,
TD extends TupleDesc<TD>> Wrapper class around independent feature detectors, region orientation, and descriptors, that allow them to be used as a single integrated unit.class
DetectDescribePointAbstract<T extends ImageBase<T>,
Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>> Abstract class with default implementations of functions.class
DetectDescribeSingleToMulti<T extends ImageGray<T>,
TD extends TupleDesc<TD>> Deprecated.class
Surf_DetectDescribe<T extends ImageGray<T>,
II extends ImageGray<II>> Wrapper around SURF algorithms forDetectDescribePoint
Surf_DetectDescribe_MT<T extends ImageGray<T>,
II extends ImageGray<II>> Concurrent implementations ofSurf_DetectDescribe
SurfPlanar_to_DetectDescribe<T extends ImageGray<T>,
II extends ImageGray<II>> Wrapper aroundDetectDescribeSurfPlanar
. -
Uses of DescriptorInfo in boofcv.alg.descriptor
Methods in boofcv.alg.descriptor with parameters of type DescriptorInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionUtilFeature.createArray
(DescriptorInfo<TD> detDesc, int initialMax) Creates a DogArray and declares new instances of the descriptor using the providedDetectDescribePoint
. -
Uses of DescriptorInfo in boofcv.alg.feature.describe
Classes in boofcv.alg.feature.describe that implement DescriptorInfoModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
DescribePlanar<T extends ImageGray<T>,
Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>> Computes a feature description fromPlanar
images by computing a descriptor separately in each band. -
Uses of DescriptorInfo in boofcv.factory.feature.associate
Methods in boofcv.factory.feature.associate with parameters of type DescriptorInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <D extends TupleDesc<D>>
(ConfigAssociate config, DescriptorInfo<D> info) static <D> AssociateDescription2D<D>
(ConfigAssociate config, DescriptorInfo info) Creates a generic association algorithm that uses descriptors as well as the 2D location of image features. -
Uses of DescriptorInfo in boofcv.factory.struct
Methods in boofcv.factory.struct with parameters of type DescriptorInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <TD extends TupleDesc<TD>>
(DescriptorInfo<TD> info) static <TD extends TupleDesc<TD>>
(DescriptorInfo<TD> info) -
Uses of DescriptorInfo in boofcv.gui.controls
Methods in boofcv.gui.controls with parameters of type DescriptorInfoModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionControlPanelDetDescAssocBase.createAssociate
(DescriptorInfo descriptor) ControlPanelDetDescAssocBase.createAssociate2
(DescriptorInfo descriptor)