Class FactoryVisualOdometry


public class FactoryVisualOdometry extends Object
Factory for creating visual odometry algorithms.
  • Constructor Details

    • FactoryVisualOdometry

      public FactoryVisualOdometry()
  • Method Details

    • monoPlaneInfinity

      public static <T extends ImageGray<T>> MonocularPlaneVisualOdometry<T> monoPlaneInfinity(@Nullable @Nullable ConfigPlanarTrackPnP config, Class<T> imageType)
      Creates monocular visual odometry which relies on the ground being a flat plane
    • monoPlaneOverhead

      public static <T extends ImageGray<T>> MonocularPlaneVisualOdometry<T> monoPlaneOverhead(double cellSize, double maxCellsPerPixel, double mapHeightFraction, double inlierGroundTol, int ransacIterations, int thresholdRetire, int absoluteMinimumTracks, double respawnTrackFraction, double respawnCoverageFraction, PointTracker<T> tracker, ImageType<T> imageType)
      Monocular plane based visual odometry algorithm which creates a synthetic overhead view and tracks image features inside this synthetic view.
      cellSize - (Overhead) size of ground cells in overhead image in world units
      maxCellsPerPixel - (Overhead) Specifies the minimum resolution. Higher values allow lower resolutions. Try 20
      mapHeightFraction - (Overhead) Truncates the overhead view. Must be from 0 to 1.0. 1.0 includes the entire image.
      inlierGroundTol - (RANSAC) RANSAC tolerance in overhead image pixels
      ransacIterations - (RANSAC) Number of iterations used when estimating motion
      thresholdRetire - (2D Motion) Drop tracks if they are not in inliers set for this many turns.
      absoluteMinimumTracks - (2D Motion) Spawn tracks if the number of inliers drops below the specified number
      respawnTrackFraction - (2D Motion) Spawn tracks if the number of tracks has dropped below this fraction of the original number
      respawnCoverageFraction - (2D Motion) Spawn tracks if the total coverage drops below this relative fraction
      tracker - Image feature tracker
      imageType - Type of image being processed
      See Also:
    • stereoMonoPnP

      public static <T extends ImageGray<T>> StereoVisualOdometry<T> stereoMonoPnP(@Nullable @Nullable ConfigStereoMonoTrackPnP config, Class<T> imageType)
      Stereo vision based visual odometry algorithm which runs a sparse feature tracker in the left camera and estimates the range of tracks once when first detected using disparity between left and right cameras.
      See Also:
    • stereoMonoPnP

      public static <T extends ImageGray<T>> StereoVisualOdometry<T> stereoMonoPnP(@Nullable @Nullable ConfigVisOdomTrackPnP configVO, StereoDisparitySparse<T> sparseDisparity, PointTracker<T> tracker, Class<T> imageType)
      Stereo vision based visual odometry algorithm which runs a sparse feature tracker in the left camera and estimates the range of tracks once when first detected using disparity between left and right cameras.
      configVO - Configuration for visual odometry
      sparseDisparity - Estimates the 3D location of features
      tracker - Image point feature tracker.
      imageType - Type of image being processed.
      See Also:
    • rgbDepthPnP

      public static <Vis extends ImageGray<Vis>, Depth extends ImageGray<Depth>> DepthVisualOdometry<Vis,Depth> rgbDepthPnP(ConfigRgbDepthTrackPnP config, Class<Vis> visualType, Class<Depth> depthType)
    • rgbDepthPnP

      public static <Vis extends ImageGray<Vis>, Depth extends ImageGray<Depth>> DepthVisualOdometry<Vis,Depth> rgbDepthPnP(ConfigVisOdomTrackPnP configVO, DepthSparse3D<Depth> sparseDepth, PointTracker<Vis> tracker, Class<Vis> visualType, Class<Depth> depthType)
    • stereoDualTrackerPnP

      public static <T extends ImageGray<T>> StereoVisualOdometry<T> stereoDualTrackerPnP(@Nullable @Nullable ConfigStereoDualTrackPnP configVO, Class<T> imageType)
      Creates an instance of VisOdomDualTrackPnP.
      configVO - Configuration
      imageType - Type of input image
      The new instance
    • stereoDualTrackerPnP

      public static <T extends ImageGray<T>, Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>> StereoVisualOdometry<T> stereoDualTrackerPnP(ConfigVisOdomTrackPnP configVO, PointTracker<T> trackerLeft, PointTracker<T> trackerRight, ConfigStereoDualTrackPnP hack, Class<T> imageType)
    • stereoQuadPnP

      public static <T extends ImageGray<T>, Desc extends TupleDesc<Desc>> StereoVisualOdometry<T> stereoQuadPnP(ConfigStereoQuadPnP config, Class<T> imageType)
      Creates a stereo visual odometry algorithm that uses the two most recent frames (4 images total) to estimate motion.
      See Also:
    • scaleInput

      public static <T extends ImageBase<T>> StereoVisualOdometry<T> scaleInput(StereoVisualOdometry<T> vo, double scaleFactor)
      Wraps around a StereoVisualOdometry instance and will rescale the input images and adjust the cameras intrinsic parameters automatically. Rescaling input images is often an easy way to improve runtime performance with a minimal hit on pose accuracy.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Image type
      vo - Visual odometry algorithm which is being wrapped
      scaleFactor - Scale factor that the image should be reduced by, Try 0.5 for half size.
    • scaleInput

      public static <T extends ImageBase<T>> MonocularPlaneVisualOdometry<T> scaleInput(MonocularPlaneVisualOdometry<T> vo, double scaleFactor)
      Wraps around a MonocularPlaneVisualOdometry instance and will rescale the input images and adjust the cameras intrinsic parameters automatically. Rescaling input images is often an easy way to improve runtime performance with a minimal hit on pose accuracy.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Image type
      vo - Visual odometry algorithm which is being wrapped
      scaleFactor - Scale factor that the image should be reduced by, Try 0.5 for half size.
    • depthDirect

      public static <Vis extends ImageGray<Vis>, Depth extends ImageGray<Depth>> DepthVisualOdometry<Planar<Vis>,Depth> depthDirect(DepthSparse3D<Depth> sparse3D, ImageType<Planar<Vis>> visualType, Class<Depth> depthType)