Package boofcv.alg.geo.bundle
package boofcv.alg.geo.bundle
ClassDescriptionComputes observations errors/residuals for metric bundle adjustment as implemented using
.BundleAdjustmentMetricSchurJacobian<M extends DMatrix>Computes the Jacobian for bundle adjustment with a Schur implementation.Computes the Jacobian forBundleAdjustmentSchur_DDRM
using sparse matrices in EJML.Computes the Jacobian forBundleAdjustmentSchur_DSCC
using sparse matrices in EJML.Operations related to Bundle Adjustment.Converts any bundle adjustment camera into aCameraPinholeBrown
.Computes observations errors/residuals for projective bundle adjustment as implemented usingUnconstrainedLeastSquares
.BundleAdjustmentProjectiveSchurJacobian<M extends DMatrix>Computes the Jacobian forBundleAdjustmentSchur
for generic matrices.Computes the Jacobian forBundleAdjustmentSchur_DSCC
using sparse matrices in EJML.Computes the Jacobian forBundleAdjustmentSchur_DSCC
using sparse matrices in EJML.Encodes and decodes the values in aSceneStructureMetric
using the following parameterization:Encodes and decodes the values in aSceneStructureProjective
using the following parameterization:Evaluates the quality of a reconstruction based on various factors.